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Quake 3 Models fall around 800 polies (that's what Paul Steed aimed for) with LOD 1 and 2 levels of around 600 and 400 polies, respectively.


JK2 models, if around 3000 polies, have 3 or 4 LOD levels, if I heard correctly. Something along the lines of halving the poly count for each LOD, so the models would have 3000 polies, with 1500, 750, and 400-ish poly count LOD's. There looks to be a lot of unnecessary texture and model detail in JK2 (hence why if your video card has less than 64 megs of memory the game runs like crap), so I wouldn't worry about a poly count too much, unless you're modelling Jar Jar down to his toenails or something.

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