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annoying video glitches


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Hi!I have some ****in video problems,look at the screen!the game is unplayable,its on all characters!i have 21.11 driver for my gefroce 2 pro and shadows are to normal but it still sucks,its very annoying thx when you could help me


look at that pic


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I have exactly the same problem, latest nvida beta drivers on a geforce II gts 64 anyone else had this? None of the in game video settings fox it, maybe its something in the nvida drivers or motherboard settings?

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What are your video settings in the game and what type of video card do you have. What drivers are you using? Does this happen throughout the game or just the cutscenes? If cutscenes, then it may be either your DirectX or Windows Media Player (unlikely Win Med Play, but I have seen some games that use WMP to play cutscenes).


If it is happening throughout gameplay, then it could be a video setting. You should be running at least 16-bit color and 800x600 at the very least. Check your video options in the display properties and within the game to make sure that certain options (i.e. dynamic lighting) is checked. This can have drastic effects on the quality of the video.

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