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Changed Force Hotkeys Too Many Times


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I find using the 'F' keys in the heat of sword play is difficult. And I keep on changing my Force hotkeys everytime I gain a new force. Has anyone got a good hot key displacement on there board and if so, what is it? Also, has anyone tried a joystick? Ps, Im currently using 'q' for push and 'e' for pull and '2' for speed, I find this works but am willing to change.

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Thanks Weegie, never thought of the wheel mouse:) Also want to say I thought it would have been better to have Mouse Button 2 as an alternate sword stroke and not throwing the weapon, I guess I don't like the 'stiffness' associated with the saber bomeranging back, it doesn't fit the fluid nature of the sword combat. (I'm just being picky!)

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