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Making a map for Jedi Knight 2


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Ok, here is my problem.


I have GtkRadiant1.2.1


How do I use this to make levels for Jedi Knight 2 not Quake3/Quake 3 Arena (I know it uses the Quake 3 arena engine)


I have opened up the .pk3 files, so i have access to the textures etc, but i cant get them into the software.


If u can help i would be very greatful.

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You can begin building a map, but you will not be able to view it in JO. You have to have Quake3 or RtCW to view a map made with GtKRadiant (the JO compilers have no been released yet). Here's how to make the JK textures available for a Q3 map (I will assume you are using Quake3 not RtCW).


1) Extract the JO textures into the base Quake3 directory (where the pak files are) they should automatically be put into a folder named "textures"


2) Extract all of the shader files from the JO pak file, they will automatically be put in a folder called "shaders"


3) Copy all the shader files from the "shaders" folder and paste them into the "scripts" folder


4) Open up the Q3 shaderlist.txt file (if you have Q3 stuff extracted already, it will be in the "scripts" directory) or if you don't, make your own file and put it in the "scripts" directory


5) You need to add the name of each shader file to the shaderlist.txt file. For instance, for the shaders doomgiver.shader and yavin.shader add "doomgiver" and "yavin" to the shaderlist.txt file


6) Open up GtK Radiant and the textures should be available

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maps sure can be used in JK2. All it takes is a little programming and creativity. I don't have MS Visual C++, so i myself can't compile anything (you cant compile for quake using borland. only MSVC so i hear).


The problem with using q3map to compile maps for JK2 is that it compiles maps with version number '46'. Wolfensteins compiler does '47' and when Medal of Honour has an SDK, it will have '19'. JK2 however needs to have a version number of '1'. You can download the q3map source code from idsoftware.com in the corporate info section. it comes in a nice install utility. install that and go to whatever directory it installed to. mine was in c:\quake3\. in there go to the \common\ directory and locate a file called qfiles.h. open 'er up. find the line that has this:


#define BSP_VERSION 46


and change '46' to '1'. save the file and compile the JK2 compatible q3map map compiler.


now someone please do this so i can compile my own maps that i've got sitting around :)



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It doesn't work. I changed the version number with a hex editor and I still got error messages, something about brush counts.


It also doesn't make sense. Why would they just change the version number without making other changes to the format?

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as i mentioned i dont have MSVC so i can't check, however the wolf compiler was made in this same way.


i'm not sure hexing would have the same effect. but as with everything, i could be wrong.


either way, we have access to the q3map source, and we have access to everything on the JK install. theres no reason to believe we can't make our own compilers.


i'd still suggest changing the compilers code and try that.


otherwise ill let you know when i come up w/ somethign else.



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update: i just got in touch with a guy on the gtk dev team about the compiler. here's what he said:


"This functionality is enabled via the -game switch. Currently, only "quake3" and "wolf" are acceptable arguments.

If you're trying to compile it for Jedi Knight II, then hold off. We (the GtkRadiant team) have gotten in touch with Raven about any changes necessary to make it generate valid JKII BSPs.


There is more changed than the version number. However, if you'd like to try, the version number is the second set of 4 bytes in the BSP file, after IBSP.


Open it up in any hex editor and set it however you wish. JKII may or may not like it..."


end quote. this however should be a sign that the devkit should he home soon.



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i'm not sure hexing would have the same effect.
It does, but you need to know what the data type of the thing your changing is. Otherwise, you could overwrite other data.


It's annoying that the GtkRadiant guys didn't get the format before Outcast was released, just so there would be one editor ready to go. Guess they didn't think to ask for it. :rolleyes: Even if Raven said no, they could have worked it out by now. There can't be that many changes!


BTW, it's RBSP, not IBSP, so Raven changed the magic and versions number! Guess the R stands for Raven then....all your formats are belong to us, ID! ;)

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