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Noob MOD Question


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Mind my ignorance on this, but I never played Quake III so I really dont know how the whole MODS and SKINS thing works.


I have a couple of questions:


1- If I download a new skin (lets say the Darth Maul skin). If I join a multiplayer game, will I be able to use that new skin in the game? If so, will other people see the new graphics if they dont have the skin on their machines?


2- What is the option "Allow download" in multiplayer server setup? My thought is that it would allow other players to download a new mod or skin off your machine if they did not have it? Is that correct?


Thanks all



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1 - If you want to use a skin on the a pure server, it will have to be on the server aswell. What happend in the quake world with version 1.31 there was a removal of that block only on skins. So people could have thier own custom clan skins on other pure servers.


Contact the admins of your favorite servers, and e-mail them the link to or the skin its self, I am sure most wont have a problem putting it up.


2 - I think Allow download will download only the required files. (IE the current custom map) However, there is a command to SET the required files, so if you wanted to force everyone to have your skin, put it in that list seperated by ;. (EG skins1.pk3;maul.pk3;mymap.pk3 )


You would want to make it very small as they will only download at a rate of something like 2 - 10 KB's per second.

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