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how to get prisoners outta da hangar??


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I'm stuck in that hangar, in which those tie-fighters are. One of those prisoners told me that I gotta 'convince' (?!?) the officer to open the main hanger gate so that he and the other prisoners can escape. Now... how the hell can I open that god damned thing??? I found a concole on which I activated a fan (up in the prison control room) but I dunno what this should be good for... someone help me!! PLEEEEEZ!!!! I'm dying!! :eek:

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It's kinda obscure, but you have to sort of navigate yer way around if i can remember it (make sure you turn on the big fan thing in the control room) and then find the big vertical tube with the fan on and go down it, thru the vents and back out thru the tunnels (with green stuff) and sorta go round that way.


It's hard to explain, but hope that helped some!

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You have to jump down the shaft that contains the fan! At the bottom you run through some underground tunnels (dark) etc..


I am stuck at this point. After fighting your way through several rooms you come up aginst a locked door! All door seem to be locked and you can't go back through the tunnels!?!?!


When you get there tell me how to proceed! If you find out how.



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Backtrack to the original room you emerged into when you got out of the tunnels. Go into the next room (room "2"). I took the door towards the right but there's one to the left - take it. You'll be in a reddish area. Go into the open room and hit a switch. Then work your way back around on your original path where you killed all the troopers. Make sure you look left and down the stairs and you will see that a door has become unlocked.

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