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Sneaking part when finding the Doomgiver


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am stuck on the bit where u push the switch and turn the lights off. Ive snuck past all the officers and through the door at the other side of the room 1 time successfully without the alarm sounding, but then that jedi guy on the other side immediatley attacks me and the alarm is sounded anyway:(


Wot do i do?

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You did right everything.


You have to pass the door in the dark and don't use any force speed. When the door closed your safe. Open the next one and attack the two officers before they can push the alarm button. After that handle the reborn.

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If necessary use force Pull on the two officers to make them fly towards you, and easier for you to strike them down.



Personally I think you should have been able to fight your way through if the alarm sounded... but such is life.

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Don't save it after the lights go out either. There is a bug that, when you reload your save, the lights are on and cannot be turned off again.


If the 2 officers get away, there are 2 alarm buttons set up in the room. You can 'cut them off at the pass ' by leaping over the boxes.



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i did it:)


thats where i was going wrong then, i was quick saving it when i reached the door, then tryin 2 get through without them noticing:rolleyes:. Anyway, i cant really complain, its only 1 small bug in a really kick ass game:D


thanx every1:)

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