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Carin docks, stealth problem! (spoiler?)


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I have read a lot of posts about the stealth section on this level and the light switch. My problem is that i dont know where the light switch is. I havent managed to turn the lights off.


After entering the area with the crates and the alarm switch, i entered the vent-tunnel to the right. I walked to the last grate and smashed it. Then i jumped to the little "hole" in the house to the left side. When entering the house via that hole im on the 2nd floor in the house. There is a couple of "monitors" and a switch in one of them. There is a officer across the room and i have mindtricked him. I activated the "monitor-switch" and walked outside again. I have also been on the lower floor of this house but didnt find anything intresting there. My problem isnt that the alarm activated. I just dont know where to go. Nothing seems to happen when i push that switch. Please help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've wacked that weasle officer as I dropped down on him and choked him on his way to the alarm but now I've hit that switch on the other catwalk and I think it turned off the stuff on top of those things in the big room but I'm a little unsure how to get across... Before or after lights?

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