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Listen People-the Only Thing In The World That Is Cheap Is At Wal Mart


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Sigh, this will probably be burried because this thread is so long but here goes my .02...


First of all, I have a server coming soon and it will be admined ruthlessly just like my CS server was run. On our CS server we promoted maturity and a ***** free environment. We are just as quick to ban a person that complains alot as we are banning someone that cheats. Heh, well maybe not that quick because CSGuard doesn't have a whiner detector component, maybe someday though :D


We even do such things as filtering words like "BS" and "Bull****" because little bratty whinners tend to say it all the time....and you know what? The level of maturity stays pretty high on the server. Now I'm not saying that sometimes I might think something seemed fishy but I know that complaining doesn't help in the matter. I think the worst is when people ***** and moan that someone is cheating when the person really isn't. As you get better, you tend to accept some of the crazy manuevers people do as skill rather than a hack because you pull them off too. The same thing applies about so called "cheap" behavior. Learn to not die from cheap behavior and you won't need to complain anymore.


The "House Rules" need to be stated by the server so that everyone is clear upon connecting what is expected. Also, the server's settings must be made to enforce those rules. Hopefully Raven will make it possible to buld very detailed server.cfg's so that admins can allow/disallow whatever features they want so that people are forced into playing how they want.


Now as for the people who ***** about other's play...ugh, please put some thought into your actions first. I don't jump on a saber only server and run around yelling "waaa waaa saber's suck, use blasters only!" and in turn, I don't jump on an FFA all weapons server and expect people to use only sabers. It makes ZERO sense. When I play FFA, I play all out free for all using every means necessary just like I do in CTF. It never ceases to amaze me when people cry about me using the repeater in a CTF game. I'm trying to help our team capture the flag and you want me to bust out my saber when I can 3 shot you with my alt repeater? Negatory!


Don't get me wrong, I like playing with a saber as much as most others do. I love doing some of the special moves on people, especially the enemy flag carrier :p but I don't expect people to NOT use any weapon that is available on the server. It's just like the people who cry about those who use the AWP in CS. I personally don't like the AWP but I don't cry when someone uses it because I'll take my trusty deagle against an AWP any day of the week. Which leads me to my last point...


Anything and everything has a counter. The real reason I don't complain is because I can adapt. I can evolve my gameplay. Sure, maybe some guy is driving me nuts when he keeps draining me or gripping me off a ledge, but it only takes a few times for me to find a way to counter his moves. I think it's the people that can't adapt that are the ones that complain a lot...


Sniping me consecutively? Fine, I'll toss some cover fire like a rocket which forces you to move then I'll immediately pull out my sniper rifle and zoom in before you are standing still and snipe you back. Oh so pleasureable and redeeming!


Trying to drain me all the time? Absorb baby. Works wonders. Maybe you're too quick for me, so next time I make sure to keep you at a distance. Yes, I adapt my play based on WHO I'm fighting.


Using speed like a crank addict? OK, fine, I'll either cut you off by anticipating where you're heading and placing a few lovely det charges for ya or I'll keep pulling you back to burn up some of your speed time so my teammates have a crack at you.


Perhaps you're using grip? Absorb once again works like magic. Grip me, I'll absorb then push you off a ledge or maybe saber you to pieces.


Are you using absorb yourself? Works for me, I'll wait for you to burn your power away then I'll use my force on you.


You using the dastardly repeater? (I do, a TON) And are you using ALT-FIRE? You heathen! (Sure, call me one too) Ok, works for me, I'll PULL that puppy right out of your hands and kill you with a bit of your own medicine. Works wonders AND it's very very evil! Or maybe I'll use force push if you are too far away and redirect that alt repeater ball right at your noggin.


I could go on but you get the picture. People need to learn how to play with their BRAINS instead of just their reactions. One reason people complain is because they have no other option because they don't THINK about how to counter things. If someone pisses me off, they become my mark, and they WILL pay for pissing me off :) It may take a few rounds, but my AI will adapt and beat them in the end.


If you need to complain about how someone plays (if he's playing within the programmed paramaters of course, i.e. not hacking and following the stated House Rules) then you should rethink your tactics. With enough persistence and thought, it may be the offending player who ends up complaining because you're spanking him so hard. Heh.


Anyways, thanks for the forum and reading my long winded spat.




PS. Maybe I'll put together all the counter's I've worked out and post them in the MP Strat board....but I just assume that most people savy enough to read these boards already know most of this?

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This is what you want, someone who servers and sets the rules for the gamestyle you want.

The rant was good, plus your in the position to say 'follow my opinion' I suppose



But, do you know how the Server states the House Rules? Whats the common method for the ignorant people. Or yours.


...not me of course... for the others....

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Originally posted by Prox Kolari

That's the kind of crap I'm talking about, this drain/grip whoring. And I bet some people here would not only say that's NOT cheap, but since it works, it SHOULD be used and is totally valid, fine, and don't argue with it.


That's BS. If that's how you play, you have NO SKILL. It is the very definition of cheap, and you ARE ruining the game for people. I don't see how there can be an argument for that kind of cheapness.



Prox Kolari, I might use those techniques to play when Im in the mood.. sometimes im in the mood to be damn right evil.


If I was doing that and someone like you said.. "that takes NO SKILL" I would continue to use these techniques against you while you loose using your SKILLFULL style of play.


There is no such thing as cheap

If your loosing to such techniques that you don't like then either



2) or ADAPT ( if you can't adapt then) QUIT PLAYING JK2

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This is what you want, someone who servers and sets the rules for the gamestyle you want.

The rant was good, plus your in the position to say 'follow my opinion' I suppose


But, do you know how the Server states the House Rules? Whats the common method for the ignorant people. Or yours.


Thanks for the reply. You are absolutely correct, I would setup my server or servers according to how I'd like the play of the game to be. If I had my choice though, I'd setup several servers to cater to various people's likes and dislikes.


I certainly don't expect everyone to play like I do or to like how I play. However, I think it's important for people to fight through their initial dismay with how people play or to find the right server for them. This does kinda depend on there being enough server admins with differing tastes in gameplay to setup a variety of servers. And yes it does require server owners to urge people to play in a certain manner.


I'm not yet an expert on hosting Q3/JK2 servers but I would hope that anything that Half-life could do, Q3 could do...or can do soon :) I honestly don't know how to do this in JK2 so maybe some server admin can help us out?


If setup correctly, in Counter-Strike (running AdminMod), when clients connect, they receive an "On Connect" message which is displayed in the console while they are loading. On our server we state that by connecting they agree to not cheat and to allow our server to scan their system for cheats. You can also have an additional message displayed upon map load that would list the house rules. There are many CS servers which do just this.


I also really like the idea (not my idea) of there becomming some kind of naming convention for server rules. We all know what FFA and CTF means, but perhaps another set of acronyms that the JK2 community could agree on which could be listed in the server's name so that you'd know what was allowed/frowned upon etc before you even connected.



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