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RAVEN - Changing names while in game needs to be fixed!


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Well I was just in a CTY game that had FF on. So after playing for a while someone named Tankkiller comes in and I just happen to be on his team. :( He starts to TK my whole team and whenever we do a vote to kick him first no one votes for him. Then he starts to change his name to someone elses. Here is the problem they are exactly identical, and when you go to the vote menu they are exactly identical their. So then no one would vote because we didnt know if that was the right person, just like their can be as many Padawans on a server at the same time (went into a server last night with about 8 Padawans :) ).


If you could do something like Half-Life does and add a (1) to the end of the name or something like that for duplicate names it would really he helpfull.

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