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beginnings of a mod


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I must say I was thoroughly unimpressed with singlerplayer JO. Well, I loved the gameplay, I loved the level design. But my concerns are with the story and the replayability.

Jedi knight, I must've played through that game...a crap load of times. Jedi,Sith,secrets, it was all good.

Jedi Outcast I played through once and I have no desire to play through it again.


Dont get me wrong though, the gameplay was pretty sweet but there just wasnt enough of those on your seat moments. As far as I can remember there was 1? I found that the first part of the game had a VERY good atmosphere. I loved what I doing and that made me very excited about getting a saber and then when I got to "the boss before I get the saber" The game just started loosing it's touch. Even though I love the saber(my favorite weapon of the game) and Force jump(my favorite force of the game) and the acrobatics, I didn't find the story to be too exciting. There were too many crapy puzzles and only 2 JEDI BOSSES? In Jedi Knight, there were a few more, and the reborn just dont cut it. They're fun but not as fun as a challenging boss that you get a cool movie as a reward for beating.




Well, with all this(and the fact that none of the current mod groups are accepting me), I've decided to take it upon myself to create a new singleplayer game and I'm asking everyone here to tell me if they have any information on the "first" jedis and the beginning of the order.

I've been scouringstarwars.com for any information on this, and I haven't found much, just that it was a thousand generations ago.


Any more information on this would be very helpful.

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do u want 2 kno the Dark Jedi of JK1 and the order they appear?


its been a while since ive played it but i think the order is like this


Yun: a young newly recruited Dark Jedi he was black hair and wears stuff like reborn without the hood, doesnt die in first battle: yellow saber

Gorc: a huge fat ogrie type creatue:orange saber

Pic: works with Gorc a very small creatue, but very fast and agile:orange Saber

Maw: A stong muscley creature, in the opening he is cut in half so he floats around with no legs:red/orange saber

Sariss( only battle if you go 2 the light side, also wen you battle need to pick up Yuns yellow saber): a woman, like tavion but with blonde hair and robes:blue saber(fight yun but kill if you go 2 the dark side)

Boc: likes to jump around fights with two sabers,blue i think, has tail type things coming out of the back of his head.

Jerec: The Boss, has a black band accross his face and he is very strong, i suggest using the luke or Galak models as a base for him, thats wot i did: Red Saber

i hope that helps and if you dont wanna do that i got a cool idea 4 a mod


My Idea is you should make a mod that carries on from the dark side ending of JK1, not the light side ending, it could start with Kyle, Sariss(use Jan Model) and a few Dark Jedi assaulting the Jedi Academy, you could run into desann sumwhere along the line who takes sariss and kills her, unless u want her 2 come back like jan does. After that you could burst into the Jedi Academy All pissed off cos ur 'woman' is dead u go into lukes room and landos in there you battle with luke, make sure luke cant die, to win you kill lando and luke cries like a woman, and force pushes you out of a window, you get on landos ship and fly away in search for desann, but first you go back to the valley of the jedi and recharge, some reborn, WITHOUT THE POWERS walk in and you kill them desann walks in and jumps into the valley doohicky, comes out kicks ur but andyou wake up in a prison with ur saber on a shelf infront of the barred cage ur hanging from(those guys never learn) force pull ur saber slash ur way out and walla theres ur start to the game.


Hope that helps modders out there

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I did play the first game and beat it as both a light and dark jedi and I think it would be cool to continue on as the new emperor(that's what happens when you win as the dark side).


But instead of this, I was thinking of a completely new story line set when the jedi order was still young and the sith(dark jedi not the culture (who already practiced the dark arts at this point but weren't found by anyone else yet)) were still part of the jedi order and only started to glimpse the dark side, etc...


What I have so far is that a young boy was taken off of the planet of ossus (before it's temperature dropped to unlivable lowness) as a slave. soon after, everyone else on the planet are killed.

He grows up as a slave hiding his "sorcerous" powers until a member of the new jedi order finds him and eventually finds out that he is from the legendary planet of the most power jedis(ossus) who are not only powerful in the light side, but the also the dark side, I think these are called "uber" jedi or something like that.


Anyways, the story goes on and I'm still trying to both improve what I've got, which is more than I've written, and come up with the rest. I'm trying to stick with the "Hero Archetype" same as the original trilogy (which is tricky at times) but I'm geting it done.

Once I get the story done, I might post it here to see what you guys think, or maybe not to keep it a surprise.

So as soon as both I get the story done, and I get hold of the sdk, I'll start to get started on the beginning of this mod.

It wont be a full out mod but I will have to re-skin some of the players to fit in with the time but I'll try to find a way to keep the stormtroopers because I think Raven did a very good job with them.


So for now, any opinion you guys might have would be very appreciated, especially if it'll help with the story.

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I'm definitely going to need all new skins/player models. That's first on my list, and I'll use that for an all new single player "campaign" with multiple original levels that should hopefully take at least 5 hours to beat. I'll definitely need help with skins because I'm not too good with that stuff and maybe some help with the levels too. I've decided not to use actual cinematics but to use only in-game movies to save size. If I can find voice actors, Ill use them, but if not, ill have to use only sub-titles so ill need voice actors too. I dont want to change any of the code because I think Raven did an excellent job already on the single player. Lastly, I might need new skins for the weapons to make them fit into the time periode.

None of this is certain though until I get my hands on the sdk so I can see exactly what can be done and how easy it is.

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Hey there, I'm currently working on a mod like this myself, called "The Golden Age."


The story takes place from 4000-5000 BBY, and will feature the Sithlords of the Golden Age, and the then young Order of Jedi.


3 new force powers have been completed.

Mapping has begun. Working on a saber-customization option right now.


I have tons of info on the Golden Age, I'm a walking Sith compendium.

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Maybe I can make a prequel mod to your mod where the main character encourages a balance between the light and dark sides and enevitably releases the greed of some younger students, an accident and the jedi have to ban this new art, then a civil war breaks out...

Sounds good to me but I would really like to know a bit more about this age, most of the information in the starwars.com databank is about the star wars time period. Do you know of any websites with information on this I could look into?

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