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I Want To Play! Big Problem


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When I play my game freezes randomly. The same sounds will repeat again and again. It somethimes happens within 3 seconds or 3 hours. I have read past threads and seems to be no answers in them for me. I have tried turning off all sound drivers and tweaked video card eve which way.


PIII 500

256 Ram



Are there any patches out there? Someone please help me.

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is your video card a pci? or agp?


i have a geforce 2 mx pci, and i get similar problems when the open gl texture memory and directx texture memory are set too high. setting these to much lower values usually fixes (for some strange reason) the skipping thing that i have experienced from time to time

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hmmm... mine are as low as five for each, but the highest i can run it without trouble is 95 for directx and 22 for opengl. you also have a bit of a slow processor. my specs are the same as yours, except i have a pIII 600mhz. and just fyi, i run directx at "high performance", have aniostropic filter enabled as well as v-synch, don't know if this will help or not.

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okay, first of all i have all of the extraneous stuff turned off such as the shadowing, the dynamic lights, i don't know what video sync does, but its off as well, aniostropic filter is on, wall marks are on (because they look neat) this is small stuff that you don't necessarily need anyway so, i turned most of them off. as for the main settings, the resolution i use is 960xwhatever, color is 32-bit,geometric detail is medium, textures are on high, and texture detail is 16-bit. thats basically it. i probably average around 25-35 fps on most levels. another thing to think about is your monitor's refresh rate, which i have set to 85hz, and, even thought it causes some tearing, vertical sync is on, texture filter is on bilinear, and shaders are off. hope this helps, of course some levels are much more demanding on your system than others (which you'll find out), so you might have to dim down textures in those areas to run somewhat smoothly.


good luck

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