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How do i record a demo in MP?


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Originally posted by Omniscient

Should I have posted this in the Techical Help forum? I did not see the word "Strategy" when I came in here.


Well I don't mind :p


Seeing as it's a Q3a game - try record <file> at the console




record myfinestgame



Usually to stop recording its "stop" or somehting. I'm not at home right now, so I can't test it. Geberally though if you don't know the exact name of a command but you have an idea - type in the first few letters and press TAB in the console - the game will give you all the possible completions.


You may want to bind a key to do "screenshot" too.

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It's the same engine as RtCW and so it might use the same codes, try typing this into the console:


/g_syncronousclients 1

/record demoname

/g_syncronousclients 0


Syncronousclients 1, to make it work.

Syncronousclients 0, to make it go smooth again.


If you wanna stop, i think the following code will work:



Haven't tried it yet, but from what u guys say about synchronousclients and stuff, its similar or identicall to RtCW's demorecording codez.

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Make a config and put this in it.

//REcord Demo - Press F12

set record1 "g_synchronousclients 1; record; g_synchronousclients 0; echo Recording Started; bind f12 vstr record0"

set record0 "stoprecord; echo Recording Stopped; g_synchronousclients 0; bind f12 vstr record1"

bind f12 "vstr record1"


Then just hit F12, to start then F12 to stop.

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