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*SPOILERS*The "Infamous ___ Scene", the way it should have been. SPOILER - LONG READ

Wes Janson SMR

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i think some of us are missing the point, most of us didnt buy the death scene because we KNEW they wouldnt kill Jan off, they wouldnt do it. if they did Kyle would have lost his entire reason for not completely falling to the darkside in the fight with Tavion.

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Right. If the player believed the death, the "Tavion Scene" could be considered JKII's equivolent to the "Fork in the Road", comparible to JK1's. It also would have meant a lot more.


When the scene came, I was basically nodding along, saying, "Yup. I already knew that. 'Bout time." What I should have been thinking is, "What the hell are you talking about? I saw you kill her! You're just affraid to die, ya' pansy."


Is she really speaking the truth? Or is she just looking to get away alive? They never really accomplished that in my opinion.


In fact....I'm surprised that Kyle actually fell for it!




I think that if we truely believed that Desann and Tavion killed Jan, that would give us something to fight for. Not only is Kyle gunning for some payback, but so are we.


Just imagine when you actually see Jan alive - but not necessarily well.

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Trust me, if I wrote out a new script, things would be a lot more intreaguing.


heheh DESAN: kyle i am your father!!!!! KYLE:NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


oh wait thats taken........


maybe have tavion be kyles sister. as you know birds are desended from dinosours thats why she has that evil hairdo :D

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I still want to know why the hell Desann says "The death of Katarn's woman blah blah blah" to Tavion when it's just the two of them on the shuttle!


I knew Jan wasn't dead as soon as they cut away from Tavion actually killing her. But having Desann keep up the charade when there was no reason to whatsoever was just plain dishonest storytelling.

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"I still want to know why the hell Desann says 'The death of Katarn's woman blah blah blah' to Tavion when it's just the two of them on the shuttle! "


Because it was the death (i.e. the illusion of her death) that motivated him to reveal the valley. It's the same kind of star wars trickery we saw from the old Obi wan (" vader was a former pupil of mine that killed your father, luke" not really a lie, just a twist on the facts, since the birth of vader was the death of anikan).


Btw- who thinks Tavion will be the big baddie in Jedi 3? I personally found her fight to be the hardest in the game, she was DEADLY in close quarted combat and much more stylish than desann (who had a killer grip, but that was about it).

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Ahh! Fan fiction! Run! ;)


Ya, the Jan bit was COMPLETLEY predictable, and I would have liked to see her die and see Kyle go completley insane before being pulled back by Luke. Thats what games miss so much, character psycology. Oh how I miss the demented rants of Durandal or the psychotic episodes of Tycho... thats also why I never thought that Deus Ex was "all that".

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Nice story, Wes, if a bit convoluted for my taste. After all, why would Desann and Tavion go through the whole rigamarole of trying to fool Kyle, when a simple thing would work just as well?


Also, maybe it was me, but when the cutscene showed Tavion slashing at Jan, my first instinct was that "She isn't dead, they always bring back the hero," but when the game then later talked about Jan's death quite often, I did feel as if this time it HAD really happened.


So then when Tavion revealed she WAS still alive, I was kinda wondering if it would be a trick.


I kinda like it the way it is. :)



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