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Star Wars Episode 0??

Guest Darth Maul Jr.

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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

Dont know about you guys but watching Episode I i got more confused than i did watching the others. They talk about the Mystery of the Sith. I thought they would have explained all that in Episode I. What about midichlorians..they only hint on those also. In my opinion everything should have been clearly explained in episode I, where Jedi's came from, where Sith came from, where midichlorians came from. The movie left me with more questions than i had before i saw it. Are they gonna make a movie that takes place before Episode I to explain all this? An episode 0 maybe..hehe.. Maybe Episode II will be one big flashback to explain everything..i know this is off the subject of SWGB, but i just thought i'd pose this topic. :D

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Guest Tie Guy

I think that Epsiode II and III do alot of explaining as far as the jedi and the sith, probably in the form of yoda or someone explaining, not a flashback. There is a book before Episode I, it is about Chancellor Volorum and Palpitine.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

I think that Epsiode II and III do alot of explaining as far as the jedi and the sith, probably in the form of yoda or someone explaining, not a flashback. There is a book before Episode I, it is about Chancellor Volorum and Palpitine.

You HOPE that Epi 2 and 3 will explain the Sith, but it might not. Did any of the original trilogy exlain the Sith? No. So the prequals might not either.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

*turns on the TV*


...and stay tuned for the next episode of...


featuring your host, Sherack Nhar!

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Guest madperm

I think episode two and tree should do some explaining but i am more looking forward to seeing the clone wars...


and btw, has anyone seen the Episode two trailer they have flying around? It does'nt look very real :p

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Guest Boba Rhett

You need to think of Episode 1 as the first chapter of a book. "Which it kind of is" Does the first chapter tell you everything? No, it doesn't.


And madperm, you'd be surprized how many people out there have reported it as real. :rolleyes: It's been out for months now and people are still mixing it up for the real thing.

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Guest Master Yoda

The Sith were supposedly killed off like 4000 years before Ep. 1, I hope they explain it some more. The reason they didnt explain it in the origanal trilogy is because all the jedi of old except Yoda and Obi Wan were dead(Not counting Palpatine and Vader) and Obi Wan was killed a little over half way through New Hope. Yoda was so busy trying to train Luke in the ways of the Force that he didnt bother teaching him history, since it wouldnt help him defeat Vader and The Emperor.

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The magic of the original trilogy was that it did not tell the whole story. In ep4 ... you had no clue about who the empire was, the senate, the rebel alliance. You were just thrown right into the Galactic Civil War ...


Now that's the magic .. the feeling that there's more than just those few movies ... that it is ... something bigger. It makes you hungry for more. (this is where the merchendise comes in ...)

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Guest Master Yoda

lol that is when Lucas gets somemore money... Though the org. trigoly was well worth every last penny, Ep. 1 was pretty good but not quite as believable, and Ep. 2( I refuse to use Attack of the Clones) looks like its going to be not up to par for us SW fans.(though we will all go watch it in the Theater when it comes out and well buy it anyway.);)

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Guest Boba Rhett

*takes a drink of water*


*clears throught*


What the heck are you talking about?! Episode two is shaping up to be just as good as any of the original movies and it my even surpass them! Just because the name's not to great doesn't mean the movie's going to suck. "Don't judge a book by it's cover." ;)

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Guest Boba Rhett

There's not to much of a difference between the hair colors. "Little" Anakins hair is bleached blonde by the sun. :D

And there's the little fact that the're played by two different people. ;)

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Guest Master Yoda

I can see that they would have to be played by 2 different people but they could atleast have died(sp?) his hair blond or something.

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Guest Tie Guy

It could happen. When i was young my hair was as close to white as it could be while still being blonde. Now it is a darker blonde. Besides, what does it really matter anyways.

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Guest Master Yoda

Luke is blond. I realize that even with both parents with brown hair he could still be blond but its a just would flow together better if Anikan had blond hair in Ep. 2

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Uhhh... does Anakin's hair being brown will impact the quality of the movie in any way??


AotC looks to be much more mature than TPM, and that's a good thing for me: political intrigue, all-out war with the clones, and a badass Jedi duo of Kenobi and Anakin. And rumour has it that Yoda gets a fight! That ALONE warrants the price of admission :D

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Guest Boba Rhett

Not only does he fight, he totally kicks ARSE!! But I suppose we'll all get into that if anyone happens to make an Episode II spoiler post.... ;)

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Guest Tie Guy

I guess he is so short that his opponents have a hard time seeing him. Then he can sneak up and cut off their legs :D


Anyway, i really want to see yoda fight, i just can't seem to get a mental grasp on the idea. i have no idea what it will look like.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

I guess he is so short that his opponents have a hard time seeing him. Then he can sneak up and cut off their legs :D


Anyway, i really want to see yoda fight, i just can't seem to get a mental grasp on the idea. i have no idea what it will look like.

I'm one of those people that hope Yoda doesn't fight! He is a passive Jedi Master! If he is going to fight have him fight defensively. And I hope he doesn't get a saber!

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Guest Tie Guy

Yeah, but just try to imagine having a saber battle with a guy the size of your 3 year old sister. It just doesn't seem like it would work to me, but it obviously does. Maybe he fights another midget dark jedi :D

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Guest dvader07

Regardless of if Yoda fights or not, he will have a saber. All jedi have a saber. If I remember correctly, it is one of hte last rights to becoming a full fledged jedi, you must create your own saber. Secondly, of course he will only fight defensively, all jedi only fight defensively, Yoda makes that very clear when training Luke in the original trilogy. Only the dark jedi use their powers offensively.


I also don't understand what everyones problem with the title for Episode II is. Star Wars titles have always been more obvious than abstract. Think of "Empire Strikes Back," oh there is an abstract title. The titles always refer to exactly what is going on in the movie (the one exception to this might be The "Phantom Menace") and this is exactly what Attack of the Clones does. Episode II is supposed to get deep into the Clone Wars, and thus clones will be attacking.


Someone mentioned wanting to see a spoiler, TFN was asked to remove theres, but the have a link to this one. I read it and it seems pretty good. Of course it remains to be seen how close it is to the real story, but if it is close, Ep2 looks like it is going to be an action packed movie. Here is the link.


Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones complete plot spoiler


hope you all enjoy it.

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