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Garbage Facility Dead End


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Good day fellow Jedi ! This brother in arms is stuck, so to speak. I am in the Garbage facility and have found my way to a passage blocked by a waste cart...Not the one in the lower area, The one after the room with crates stacked "skyhigh" and a few passages and catwalks...I can move it a bit with force pull and force push, but it doesn't help me to continue...


I also found an exact copy of this situation in the lower levels after blowing a hole in the wall from exploding an explosive crate, but there again even tho i could move it a bit in two directions, it did not help me continue there either.


the area topside has a door near the waste cart that looks as tho it is a path for the cart to go, there is a turnstile in front of the door but i can't get the cart onto it, only up to but not on the turnstile.


before leaving the crate room I saw a barred vent opening and tried to toss my saber to cut the bars but could not. This opening looked very out of place so i'm sure its important, but I could do nothing about it, as i tried for a full 5 minutes tossing my saber from different angles...it left marks but no damage.


It seems that just when I'm having fun I run into one of these frustrating situations, and then all the fun goes down the tubes


If someone could set me on the right path it would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi TomServo ! I have found three movable waste carts and no crates are involved with either of them...one is in the main compacting area where you first enter...it can be moved but moving it has no purpose...the second is on the same main floor, but is accessed by entering a large room with a glass seperation...on the other side of the glass is a switch and some goodies...the glass is unbreakable...in the corner of this room is a movable crate that allows access to an opening that leads to a lighted tunnel, which in turn leads to the second waste cart...this cart cannot be pushed, it must be pulled, which does nothing to allow you to continue here.


the third cart is accessed by jumping up into a duct and diving thru one of the giant compactors and out a small back door.. you then proceed to a gigantic room with crates stacked unbelieveably high...you must jump down to a crate, and then from crate to crate (while having grenades thrown at you) until you work your way around to a door on the opposite side of the room...I entered this doorway and progressed thru hallways, up ramps, over catwalks until dead ending at a tunnel with another waste cart positioned exactly as the second one, except there is a door near this one...but moving it does not help


and I have no idea what to try next. But it did seem that the second cart was bumping into something when I forced pushed it.

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Im stuck at the exact same spot. I know exactly where you are talking about and it totally sucks. I really like this game and Lucas Arts is really good but come on. This is almost more of a strategy/puzzle game than a first person shooter game. I know what you mean by you just start to have fun and you become stuck and it goes down the tube. Then like me you probably wander around lost and pissed for awhile till you finally break down and go to this site for the answers. How much time is wasted wandering lost and looking through these damn boards. Makes you wonder how greedy lucas is. If hes just hoping you will buy the strategy guide or call the 900 #. It would save time of going back and forth from here. Definitly a pisser.

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When you Pushed the Second Cart, it banged up against the Third Cart.


So, what ya gotta do is Force Pull the Third Cart. Then go back to the Second Cart and Force Push it. I agree, though, the First Cart seems to serve no actual function in the game. Anyway, after Pushing the Second Cart, you'll now have access to a conveyer belt and the next part of the level.


It took me a while to figure this one out, too, so I know that it's frustrating.

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