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Game Bombs In Multi Player

Guest radicalrom

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Guest radicalrom

Help. When ever we play TCP/IP on local lan about 15-20 ish minutes into the game everyones game exits. Yes exits. You hear the sound playing but it bombs. Of course it does not save, so we are toast with restoring it. Has anyone else had this problem. Is there a work around? We have 5-6 players usually playing (but have tried with 2 and same problem). The operating systems are 98, 2000, XP. I saw the patch coming out and it does not look like it will fix this problem. It completely exits the game with out ANY error messages. If you hit alt-tab it is not running in the background. Any ideas???


Radical ROM

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I haven't had every system bomb. But the other night one of my systems would fail every 20 minutes or so in a LAN game. Just that one and it worked fine days before that....


I think it might have to do with the resolution of the game or the size of the map.


Try running just 800x600 and playing a smaller than gaint map, see if it still does it. My system was 98.

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Guest Tie Guy

I've never had that problem at all, the only thing i've had in MP is a little lag, which can be expected. I'm running Win98 1st edition and on a PII450 with cable connection. I've played multiple times with no such thing happening. i can't say what is wrong, but it seems wierd that you often times here of bugs that happen with only a very few amount of people, even though a large group of people have the same system and OS. I do know, that if only one person has trouble in a game, it can affect the entire group, so you might want to check everyone's individual computers or the networking itself.

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Guest jubjubjub

yeah, I have had that happen too. I think it has to do with out of sync problems or the host sending out bad packets. I have 2 PC's on my Lan and I play over the Net with my brother. All 3 would occasionally crash simultaneously. Make sure everyone is using the same version of Directx, as the game uses DirectPlay for multiplayer games and Directx differences could cause crashes.

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