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mapping (read this. it should help)


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I just made a post in another thread in reply to some mapping comments. I've been quake mapping for a while for both Quake 3 and Wolfenstein but im obviously new to this forum. I thought I might be able to help though to expidite some features to be in the devkit. If you have Visual C++ and are desparate to start mapping, then there's a possibilty that you can make the map compiler. that thread is here:



In addition, if you havent figured it out, you can easily add JK2 specific entities to your maps. Simply find a map that already has the items you want, open your pk3 and locate that map file, then open the bsp in notepad. scroll almost all the way to the bottom and there you'll find an entitiy listing of all the ents that are in that map. you can now use these entity names to add them to your map in Radiant.


With the compiler (see link above) and the entity list, there's not much more that the SDK can offer for mapping.


Try it out. Keep in mind you need MS Visual C++ to compile q3map. Borland won't do it right.




p.s. this method is unsupported by raven, lucasarts, et al.

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There is a lot more different then just the version number, or they wouldn't have changed the version. I would bet dollars to donuts that you will just end up with a whole slew of new errors or crash your computer when you run it.


They would have only changed it because there is something in the new .bsp format that q3map doesn't produce, or a rule that must be applied that isn't, or a limitation (or lack of) that wasn't or is there. The .bsp is more then just a binary tree of your map.


- Vorax

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