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Enhancement Suggestion


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I think it would be great if each MP model/skin could have a unique lightsaber handle rather then having to use the same. I mean in SP Desann, Luke and the Reborn has a diffrent one then Kyle but in MP all uses the Kyle Katarn lightsaber handle.


As well peolpe should be able to pick what kind of saber they want to use e.g. double edge lightsaber, normal lightsaber and duel lightsaber like Boc in JK1(and from what it looks like Anakin will use it as well in EP2)


It is always the small things that makes the game even better.

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On the subject of Saber enhancements, I'd like to see a mod to the saber to turn it into a light-source in itself.


This was a cool feature of the original Jedi Knight game which seems to have been dropped for JKO (use the sabre to light dark corners etc). Does anyone know why? Is it a limitation of the engine, or an oversight on Raven's part?



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