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Nar Shadaa Waste Facility


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For those of you that are having trouble with progressing in the waste facility, I have just this minute sorted out how to continue past the waste carts, thanx to Rikata...His instructions were a little vague, but with reading problems other people are having, and his info, heres how I've gotten a little further...After jumping up into the giant compactor, and diving thru and out the back door, I navigated my way to a gigantic room full of crates...I jumped from crate to crate until I reached a door on its other side. I then traversed hallways, ramps, and catwalks, until I came to a waste cart tunnel with a waste cart...I forcepulled and pushed this cart with "ziltch" results, and became very frustrated when I could not progress past it. I was about to say to hell with it when I remembered someone stating something about "TWO" carts, I peeked around the cart, and thru the crack and sure enough there was another behind it...I tried to pinpoint my forcepull and was able to pull it to...Rikata said after pulling the cart upstairs to go back downstairs and push the other one...although he failed to mention that there were two carts that needed to be pulled upstairs, I left them both pulled and returned the way I came to where I had previously found another cart just like the one upstairs...for those that haven't found this one, here is how to find it.


In the main compacting area you will find a well lit door, leading into a room that is seperated by a glass wall...turn left after passing thru the door and in the corner is a red crate...use forcepull on it and jump behind it and thru the opening and down the tunnel till you reach another waste cart...if you have not already found this one as I had, then force push it and you will be able to continue to a new area..


I won't say more, as you've probably already traversed the other areas I've mentioned time and time again as I have, trying to find out how to continue, so you already know them by heart...and now, at least, you'll be able to get a little farther

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I think you have to got back to the entrance (black droid) and from there go to right and look for the room where there blue force field and crates the last one corner can be force pulled and you can crall throught the entrance.


########### Spoiler ################


There is also an secret area you can find by throughing an sabre at a gas crate (not an cyclider thingy).

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