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Some MP Balances


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First of all, the saber styles need a bit o' tuning. I hate getting in like 10 hits with the fast style and then being hit by some random loser's overhead swipe from a strong stance and dying instantly. Second, some force powers need to be weakened. AKA drain, possibly lightning. IMO grip has so many counters it's not that devastating. The other thing I would like is for the lightside of the force to have at least 1 offensive power. Well, that's about it, thank you raven for a truly exellent game.

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The biggest problem with the light stance is that it just isn't fast in multiplayer. The medium stance is just as quick and more powerful.


As for offensive ability... well the light lunge isn't too bad. I wouldn't mind that it doesn't have any great attacks if it worked defensively. You should be able to block a hell of a lot with it, but I find 50% of the enemy's swings going straight through in multiplayer whether I'm directly facing them or not.

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Fast style is mostly useless as fights don't last long enough for even a skilled player to get enough hits in. Medium style is the most fun to use for me. However, strong seems to be most effective for me. With lag and a little bit of luck, one of those big swings will connect.

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