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Custom Saber Colors


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That takes a lot of effort to do. Perhaps you could make a quick(ish) dollar from die-hard idiots and charge people to make them customised sabres to their exact desires?


I am sure some people would as their are stupid idiots buying diablo 2 items on ebay.


One of the many certaincies in life is no matter how stupid an idea is - someone will pay for it.


You can be the very first real-life lightsabre dealer!

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I was hoping there would be a feature to make your own custom saber color in-game and others will also see it, sort of like banner in subspace and infantry. I personally see no point in custom models and saber colors if others can't see them.

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@Kurgan : Agreed :)


and @ sithinator:

I wouldn't be too sure about that saber-mod arriving anytime soon. I really dug into the workings of the engine around the lightsabers and this is one hell of a mess.


If it was thoroughly sufficient to just replace some textures like I did, then it would be quite easy to make a mod, but the mean thing is that there are more aspects - I didn't choose 'cyan' out of pure whim... there is practically NO way of controlling a saber's trail color and floor glow. The default trail of the blue saber that I replaced hides this pretty good and matches the cyan, but for any other color... hard try.


The engine mechanics that are steering this are so well-hidden in one of the several game-dlls that I doubt anyone finding them by chance. I didn't as well, but there is simply no other spot they can be, they MUST be somewhere in there.


I'd LOVE to see such a mod, but I sure haven't got the slightest idea how that should work. :(




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