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Why JK2 is not a good game...


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i guess my main beef is the replay value.. the single player was a decent enough experience to warrant a one time play.. and although I've tried to start a new game from the beginning, whether it be with or without a saber and force powers (to spice it up), I just lose all interest by the time I complete the first level due to knowing how linear it is..


this game plays more like Rebel Assault rendered in realtime, than it does an actually interactive experience that a game should be..


if the single player isn't going to offer replayability, then multiplayer should be where it makes up for that - but it doesn't.. it's beyond me how a game like this can manage to be more of a 3d platformer, while offering perhaps even more linear gameplay than that of some of the better 2d sidescrollers of 10-15 years ago..


it's mind boggling to me how you can have levels as massive as they are in JK2, and still wind up feeling claustrophobic.. when the Nar Shaddaa level first loaded, I remember the feeling of being dwarfed by the atmosphere.. it felt huge.. there were average people in the bar... after getting to the end, if you look back you can almost visually picture the little yellow dotted line the developers had drawn as your path to the end..

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Originally posted by hughJ

I'd definitely have to agree about the poor level design in this game... there were times (after being stuck for an hour) where I had to actually noclip... find the area of the level where I wasn't able to get to, and then play itself backwards just to figure out which door or switch it was that I somehow managed to miss...


Thank god, I'm not the only one who does this!!! I never really played JK1, but have played other games from Raven like Hexen II, Heretic II, and Elite Force, and I think JK2 is too fricken hard!! I'm playing on padawan skill for crying out loud and am constantly getting stuck!! I'd rather have a 2 day game like Elite Force. Although, the levels are pretty big, so they don't feel too linear, but the puzzles are too ridiculously complicated. I love the game, don't get me wrong, but it should be easier.


Originally posted by cf492

Once you're decently equipped (after about a third of the way through the game) every level becomes the same: blitz through a section... get stuck for half an hour... puzzle over what switch/door/key you have to press... get through, blitz a bit more... get stuck for half an hour... Rinse, repeat. Dull. Anyone who thinks this is fun needs a sanity check. The game gives absolutely no help whatsoever about how to get through certain sections and is sometimes downright misleading.


Like you said, this process is not fun whatsoever. I find myself getting pissed off at a fricken video game!?! I tell you, when I finally finish this game like next month or whenever, I'm sticking to just multiplayer and addon single player levels. I have no intention of playing this ever again. After writing a walkthrough for Elite Force, I have no patience nor intention to do one for this game since I was asked if I had wanted to do one.

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Personally I find the game can only get better, I like it alot already. I didn't find any of hte puzzles hard at all they did though not really give you a direction to find some stuff wich I guess could have been annoying.


For Multiplayer it can definately only get better, why? cause its been proven Ravensoft is listening to us and is willing to work with MP gameplay to make it so its very enjoyable and alot more balanced.

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A LOT of you missed out if you didn't play the original Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2. Goto the bargin bin or whatever, buy it, and play it. YOU WILL be impressed with the game because it is friggin' fantastic in every way. The level design is 50000x times better than this "beginner-level-editor user-created" style that JK2 has. It seems like some people got together and made some levels. Not very professional at all. JK1 has spectacular levels. Just wait till you play something like Fuel Station Launch (the level from the demo). :eek: Amazing.

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Who ever says that JK:JO's multiplayer lightsaber battles suck for what they are is an idiot.There has been no game to-date that has truly handled sword or melee battles on a large scale (5:5) very well (except Blade of Darkness). JK:JO did a damn good job compared to the few other melee multiplay games out there. Have you ever played Rune? Rune sucks and is sadly the better of melee multiplayers. If JK:JO was an all saber-fighting game, then yes I agree with you that it sucks. But I think JK:JO did a good job with saber fights considering the game was made to also incorperate guns and a first-person perspective. You just can't have Blade of Darkness quality battles in a game that also focuses on ranged weapons.

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Originally posted by hughJ

"I didn't even think the puzzles were that hard..."

"...but in all honesty, after reading the walkthrough..."




anyways... we're not saying the puzzles are "hard", just poorly planned to the point where the game feels like it has no direction... most of the time spent playing is after you've already mopped up all the available enemies, and are simply wandering about a trooper body-strewn empty base looking for a switch that you missed..



yeah, agreed--i hate that "super mario" stype, jump puzzle. its so unrealistic...if you "were" the character so to speak, you wouldnt have trouble jumping and getting down ladders and such. deus and halflife didnt have too much of that crap--jk2 does. also...i agreed with EVERYTHING that was said in hte original part of this thread...sigh...big let down:(

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Who ever says that JK:JO's multiplayer lightsaber battles suck for what they are is an idiot.There has been no game to-date that has truly handled sword or melee battles on a large scale (5:5) very well (except Blade of Darkness).


Well I'm not much into insults but anyway... just because something is not easy to do (e.g. fluid lightsaber battles) or has not been done before (do you have to copy someone else's idea to make a good game?) gives this game no excuse. You sound like an apologist for the poor game dynamics this game has. These guys are paid to make (good) games and I think they should be earning their money rather than just cranking out tried-and-tested lame concepts.


Console beat-ups have had fantastic close quarters fighting for YEARS, is it really too much to ask for PC developers to do the same? I agree it's not exactly the same scenario and that's one of the real reasons why this game disappoints: lack of innovation.


You just can't have Blade of Darkness quality battles in a game that also focuses on ranged weapons.


I beg to differ. I think it can be done (whether is has or has not is another matter entirely). It just needs some developers to "think out of the box" and come up with a truly revolutionary game and controlling system. After all. that's what they're paid for. JK2 just fails to deliver on so many aspects and this is one of them IMHO.


I cannot for the life of me see how this game is getting 90%+ reviews across the board because it just is NOT that good.

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