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Raven - SP Saber = Drool | MP Saber = Boring


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Heres the deal.


While the idea of making the saber harder to wield in multiplayer is sound from an immersion point of view. Its not very fair to the player.


And why? Because no matter how long you take mastering the MP saber you'll never look as good as Kyle does in the SP.


Active blocking in SP does a whole slew of combat animations. Active blocking in MP does nothing except wobble your arms around a bit.


Saber swings in SP are concise, well targeted (even with auto-aim off) and look AMAZING. Saber swings in MP are merely a gyroscopic movement where it seems like Kyle has no wrists, elbows, barely a shoulder joint and no ability to single hand the saber. EDITWithout spinning in a slow, but pretty circle that leaves him open for 3 - 5 milliseconds to any attack.


SP saber ignition animations and taunt animations are excellent, the wrist flip Kyle does when he ignites his saber, the floating spin taunt...these are all great things.


MP Taunts are limited to a one liner and a cheesy "Just Bring It" Rock imitation. Hooray...and saber ignition....it goes up...and down. Not very interesting.


If the MP saber was more like the SP saber, JK2 would be the greatest multiplayer melee combat game of all time. As it currently stands, Rune was actually somewhat better for melee combat than JK2 MP currently is.


Give us the bells and whistles please. Because the MP Jedi's are stuck wielding their sabers like 2x4s. The combo moves just don't make up the difference between the SP saber and the MP saber.


Please consider this feedback.

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And on further note, the MP saber in JKO is about as interesting as the single player saber in Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II.


Why go to all the trouble of adding all the new model animations and adding the absolute eyecandy of a Lucas Films saber duel to SP......just to return the MP saber to the same old boring two handed back and forth, up and down swinging from Jedi Knight?

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Why is it a negative post with people screaming about how LEC sucks gets a bunch of replies and a fairly positive post trying to get Raven's attention about saber physics in multiplayer gets no ones attention?


If you expend half the energy you guys expend flaming people that say negative things about the game, supporting people that are trying to get minor changes introduced in the patch, we might actually get more of our gameplay issues addressed the first time around.


Please state your position on this matter, even if its so much as "Yeah...MP sabers are really uninspiring" or something to that extent.


Thank you.

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Because people generally agree with you, and this has been posted before.


MP and SP sabers were developed in parallel. There was feedback between the MP and SP designers to try to keep up consistancy, but the MP guy reportedly had to do a couple of things to cut down on bandwidth consumption.



Maybe a mod someday.. I frankly wouldn't mind joining a 4 player server w/ the sp saber.




P.S. Why isn't there a team survival mode? I'm too used to CS...

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I cant see how model animations are a bandwidth concern. More a loading times concern for the model itself.


But as far as the animations are concerned, even a skilled saberist looks nothing like a Jedi in MP, they look like whirling dervishes, unbalanced tops.


Whereas Kyle makes Jedi look easy in SP.


It really should be reassessed, I want to fight like a jedi, not a drunk redneck with a chair in a barfight.

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For some reason I thought I was somewhat alone with that opinion- it's cool to see that others feel the same way.


Multiplayer Sabering just seems to resort to two guys running back and forth trying to see who can knick who with the end of the saber... there's hardly any clashing and blocking and just a whole lot of running around. I really hope that someone out there with some skill makes a mod that tries to improve this to make it a bit more "realistic"!

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Somewhat off topic, maybe I'll get flamed for this I don't know.


Anyway, When I was playing this game it seemed like having an interface somewhat like the Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time would work really well. In that system you lock onto your enemy and that way you're always facing them - there's a lot of blocking and dodging and it really provides a good feel like you're sword fighting. You can of course unlock and then run free like any other 3D game and then re-lock... anyway, one can only dream...heh.

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