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UberSkins 1.0

Rajess MoDuron

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Okay, took me like 15 minutes, but I have officially put EVERY skin I have into ONE pk3, with individual folders for each skin, rather than some being 8 to a folder (like all the reborn mods). I can load the sucker up if people want (it's like 11 megs).


Obviously, I didn't do any of the skins (I did however unlock the hidden Jedi skin...okay, not unlock, but I did make it available), but it's not like I'm trying to take credit.


If enough people want it, I'll post it. Otherwise I'll let the skinsters keep pumping them out!


Lemme know!


P.S. It's not like I put in ALL the skins I DL'd. Some of them just didn't cut it. Both Mauls are in there, Dooku is in there, the Ben I've recieved is in there...RotJ Luke...and some others. Again, not taking credit...in fact, if the authors want credit for all eternity, I could probably work something out if they sent me some kind of signature file, or I know they did it. Latur!

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Thank you!


There are a few I am not including, either because I don't like them or because they don't fit in the Star Wars universe. F.I


White Luke: Hurts my eyes. Good job, but hurts my eyes. Besides, ANH Luke had khaki pants.


The Confederate: Okay, I'm from VA, so I'm all about the non-racist side of dixie, states rights and long live Virginia and all that...but it ain't Star Wars.


Anyway, I hope to have the full file done fairly shortly, and unless I get complaints from authors...and again, NOT stealing your work, just putting it all together so people don't have to hunt for it...I'll submit it to Massassi and anyone else who wants to host it. Just tell me how and I'll do it. Keep in mind, this is a TREMENDOUSLY large file, 11 megs so far, and I haven't put in the 8 or so skins I DL'd from Death's Head, so it will be massive. Luckily I have a T1 here at work.



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so can i rip out all my pk3s, use this one that you've assembled, and still be able to play on servers that have all the individual pk3s installed instead of the compiled one on my machine?


my only concern is that i won't be able to view other users who have different pk3s installed on their computer but still in effect have the same skins as i do.

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We have:


With bots when applicable, although you will have to put them in, I've already edited my bots too much to give you all my botfiles, as that would likely inflate this file enoooourmously.


Ash from Army of Darkness

Ben Kenobi (Absath)

Ben Kenobi (other guy)

CorSec Pack

Hooded Dark Jedi with the Black Robe and Human Face (HDJBRHF)

Count Dooku


Hooded Maul

Hoodless Maul

Alternate Jedi (skins with j2_head,etc. renamed and put in folder)

Keiran (corran horn)

Kueller (with custom sounds)

Sith Luke

Mysteries of the Sith Kyle 1.1

Rebel Pilot

Some of the Reborn, including the Boss skin

The Rodian Hunter...never used it, don't know if it works

Return of the Jedi Luke

Shadow Kyle (Kyle in Shadowtrooper suit...pretty schweet)

Han Solo

Talon Karrde

Grand Admiral Thrawn



Okay, that is the whole list as of RIGHT NOW. But every time I say "this is the list" (usually to myself) someone comes out with something that I just have to include. So anyway.


Now, as for downloading even if you have all the skins, there is no guarantee that these skins will be compatible with non skin pack versions, since I had to change the filenames of some of them, to make them not overwrite each other, and to make it so you don't have thirty skins in the same folder. For instance, Sith Luke got moved from the plain old 'luke' folder to his nice pretty "evilluke" folder. Now, I don't really honestly know, but this MAY cause some compatability issues. I still need to test and make sure all the skins work and look okay. If anyone knows where I can get a utility to help me do that, it'd be great. A SKIN VIEWER. Otherwise I have to go in and out of the game...not feeling that. I'd also have to put it off until 5:30 or so if I had to do that, at the very earliest.

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cool. the game's been out not even 3 weeks and we've already got huge skinpacks! while i'm thinking of this, how cool would it be to have a battle droid skin, complete with the "rolling" running animation? probably not feasable to do for a regular player model, but in a mod maybe?

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Originally posted by Rajess MoDuron

With bots when applicable, although you will have to put them in, I've already edited my bots too much to give you all my botfiles, as that would likely inflate this file enoooourmously.


Another possibility would be to separate your .jkb botfiles and .bot scripts and pak them into another pk3 to be released separately. That way if someone wanted bot support, they could d/l the extra pk3.


Originally posted by Rajess MoDuron

Now, as for downloading even if you have all the skins, there is no guarantee that these skins will be compatible with non skin pack versions, since I had to change the filenames of some of them, to make them not overwrite each other, and to make it so you don't have thirty skins in the same folder. For instance, Sith Luke got moved from the plain old 'luke' folder to his nice pretty "evilluke" folder. Now, I don't really honestly know, but this MAY cause some compatability issues.


I think that separating the models into their own directories is better, but if you change the names of the directories for the models in the pk3s then they will not be compatible w/ the single skin pk3s that have the models crammed in one directory. However it will be compatible w/ servers who have d/led the skin pack, of course.


Originally posted by Rajess MoDuron

If anyone knows where I can get a utility to help me do that, it'd be great. A SKIN VIEWER. Otherwise I have to go in and out of the game...not feeling that. I'd also have to put it off until 5:30 or so if I had to do that, at the very earliest.


In this thread:


ChangKhan explains how to get the ModView (SOF2) skin viewer working for JK2, so you can use that until they release the JK2 viewer.

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Fixed the bot problem, simply packaged the bots that came with the skins, and a few extras that aren't necessary. However, the text file is not part of the package. If you want to know how to edit those, I would take great pleasure in showing you how. Anyway, I did indeed give some of the skins new folders, but only where applicable, and I thought that it would cause difficulties. But, the bright side (for me at least) is that none of them are skins I'd use!!


Anyways, plus the sounds and bots (which were pretty miniscule) the whole thing runs 26 megs, and that is SO FAR. All my PRESENT skins are in it, but the skins in the pack may change very easily as new better ones come out (Dark Kyle Dark Kyle Dark Kyle).


Eventually I guess I'm just gonna have to buckle down and categorize them, but I love that kinda crap, so it'll be fun.



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Has not been hosted yet. Have a host lined up, I'm just waiting for people asking for skins and some bugs to be worked out. F.I. The last time I checked in real life, Jedi had heads. For some reason, the skin does not. Gotta figure it out. Think I know what the problem is, but I don't know for sure.


Anyway, this is the last day for requests. Here is what is in it so far:


Ash from Evil Dead and Army of Darkness


Ben Kenobi (Asbeth)


Ben Kenobi (Other Guy, but not the one with boobies)




Dark Jedi Reborn skin (Black suit, human face)


Count Dooku (okay, I'm really thinking about editing this one, The brown thing is not a vest, it is a cape. BUT, I don't have the talent or right pictures at the moment)




Sith Luke


Hooded Maul


Hoodless Maul


The Alternate Hidden Extra Special Jedi Skin






MotS Kyle


Rebel X-Wing Pilot


The plethora of Reborn skins from the game


Reborn Boss Skin


Rodian Hunter Skin (Don't know about this one)


Dark Rodian (I think, remember putting it in, but will have to check.)


Return of the Jedi Luke (Thank you Graphics God for an Incredible Skin)


Shadowtrooper Kyle


Han Solo


Talon Karrde


G.A Thrawn




Any requests? They have to look like they could POSSIBLY fit in the Star Wars Universe. When there are more skins released, I'll categorixe them and release individual catagory skinpacks.


PLEASE Include URL of skin you want in post. If you don't have it I'll try and find it, but no promises.



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looks cool, hope u get it finished soon, will make it easier for my clans server which will be runnign on weekends only until 5p sat and sun :( its cs the rest of the time.

And Id like to use custom skins on this.


1 question though, I'll take it only ppl who have the skin will be able to see it right?? it wont download them all to each client who hasnt got that skin

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On whether you have downloads available off server checked and whether they have download files you don't have checked. If both of these are true, they should just download the whole skin pack. It's 26 megs though, so it might bore some people. Only people who have the pack will be able to see some of the skins too. For renaming reasons.

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I took a look at the ash skin when I was slicing and dicing bots, and it is actually not that bad. There is no chainsaw or anything, he COULD just look like a jedi whos had his ass kicked too many times. I'll think about it though. It might be hypocritical of me to keep it in.


Thanks for the input.



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