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ENHANCEMENT Suggestion: I sense his presence!


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Apologies for the cross-post. I originally put this in the 'game feedback' section, but it seems like eager mod-makers congregate here as well. On to the suggestion...




Something that I idly wished for throughout the single player game, and would seem possibly appropriate -- the jedi 'sixth sense'?


In the movies, the jedi often sense the presence of their opponents. At times they seem to be able to 'see without seeing' ("With the blast shield down I can't even see! How am I supposed to fight?"). In the single player game, some of the opposing jedi even mention that they'd sensed your presence.


I was really hoping that the game might implement a low-level force power implementation of the ability. Essentially, you press a key and the view switches to 3rd person (if you're not in it already), and the camera rotates so as to target the nearest enemy/goal point (possibly a switch, door, etc.).


Let's say take an elevator into a room. Unbeknownst to you, there's a reborn lying in wait behind you. Being cautious, you use the 'force sense' ability. The camera enters 3rd person and smoothly rotates from directly behind you to directly in front of you, revealing an enemy on your six. You release the 'sense' key and view returns to normal.


This could be really cool when your opponent is concealed from view -- the camera might center on a wall an opponent is behind -- in which case you can't explicitly see someone, but you 'sense' someone is there.


Does anyone know how complicated this sort of things would be, script-wise? I know there are commands to move the camera, I wonder if there are commands that can determine relative distance of entities/NPCs.

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actually a jedi kan sence any living thing (except a Yuuzhan Vong I know :p) wich is I think what the force seeing skill is for.. shouldn't be to hard to implement that, edit the script files to give kyle that force power.. if it even exists in single player that is

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This could easily be done with the addition of either of te below powers


Force Seeing - In MP you can see the aura around characters through walls so it would be nice if this was implemented in single player


There was also a Force Power in MotS where you could leave your body and use your "spirit" to move around. I can't remember the name of it but it was good and left you vulnerable which was a good sacrifice.

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You mean "Force Far Sight"


Personally i dont think the sixth sense should show your foe through walls.

In singleplayer they say they can sense us, but it's obvious that they dont actually know where you are because they stay still in place waiting for you to show up.


So I think that the so called sixth sense should only tell if there are enemies or not, and maybe add a little bonus on defense sinse you can predict his next attack.

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Originally posted by StarWars

The easiest way to do it would be to just have the character say "I sense something" whenever an evil jedi gets within a cetain range, unless he is in sight, then it would seem out of place unless he says something different.


If I remember correctly, the first time Kyle fights a Reborn in SP, he says "I sense a presence" (or something to that effect)


Anyway since the audio file is there, I'm sure someone can make a small mod that, once you are within certain radius (range) that audio file plays, letting you (the player) know to "be enguard".


Anyways hope this helps.




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Originally posted by BloodRiot

So I think that the so called sixth sense should only tell if there are enemies or not, and maybe add a little bonus on defense sinse you can predict his next attack.


I was thinking kind of on the same lines. "Presence/Disutrbance" would be perfect for this game. Only instead make it so it only works when someone targets you. That way you get that split-second to evade, while at the same time removing any "cheapness" that would come from having enemies glowing thru walls. :)

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