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Recording Demos/Movies ?


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Yeah, in game, drop the console and type


/g_synchronousClients 1


Then type


/record <demofilename>


To stop recording, type




I'll go ahead and warn you, the current demo system in JKO causes the game to be very hitchy and laggy and generally makes multiplayer play impossible while recording.


The Q3A engine had this problem originally when they first released, but they licked it, and RTCW never had it, so I don't know why JKO does it...but it does. Another small issue for a patch basically.

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demos are stored in the Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast/Gamedata/base/demos directory.


You can play them in the game client easily as long as they are in that directory.


Just start up multiplayer, hit Play, and at the bottom of the options that come up you'll see Play Demo.


Click that and a box comes up listing all availible demos in the demo directory by name. Select one and hit play...and it loads right up.

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