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Level 1: So Close Yet So Far....HELP!!!


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Hey guys. I'm pretty new to this, so please forgive me for my rather novice understanding of JKII. I am currently stuck on level one. Specifically, I have entered in all the color key codes into the main array and matched up the symbols with the ones in my datapad, but when I go to extend the bridge...you guessed it...Nothing happens! I hit that darn "use" button over and over and nothing. Am I missing something here? I've followed the walkthroughs exactly, so I'm rather confused as to why it isn't working for me. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Oh, and while I'm at it, can somebody briefly explain how to apply skins for the multiplayer game? I have never done this before.

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Hi guys. Thanks for your prompt reply. I have activated that big power generator thing in the middle of the main array (that solid energy beam running down into the middle of the array). I believe this was done from the control room overlooking the array. The codes have been matched up. Also, the console opposite the unextended bridge have flashing lights. One is blue. The other is red and the final one is green. When I hit the use button, nothing happens. I am wondering if I somehow skipped a step or did something out of order. It's just weird.

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Hmmm...interesting. Are you saying that the order in which I push the buttons could explain why the bridge is not extending? Well, I'm open to anything at this point so I'll definitely give it a try this evening.


Given the fact that I've pretty much completed this level except for that pesky bridge and assuming I still can't get it to work, is there any way to skip to the next level?


You guys have been great. Keep the advice coming. I need it! Thanks!!!

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but, i have found that those paticular buttons are damn hard to push, i usualy have to crouch and be holding forward while looking directly at the buttons to push them, once they are pushed you can continue.


Edit:it is also possible that one part of the code you entered is wrong, if that is so it wont open, happened to me...

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okay, I'll give that a try then. If I had to guess, I would say I'm just not "pushing" the buttons correctly. I didnt' realize you have to be so close to them. I'm pretty certain I've entered in all the codes correctly...although I am a little suspicious of the red one. All the other colors are clear matches with what I have in the datapad, but the red one seems to be really close, but not cigar. Anyone else notice that the red code is slighly off? Namely, the bottom part of the code is slightly cut off because it doesn't fit entirely into the monitor. This is crazy. I'm starting to worry about these small, insignicant details that probably have nothing to do with the bridge not extending. I guess SW will do that to ya!

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hey jalen. yes, I've definitely brought the entire main array "online"....red, blue and green are all active. perhaps I need to "page down" and look directly at the console when I'm trying to push the buttons at the main array. so far all I have tried is crouching and hitting the "use" button

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