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To save me messaging all you modders


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I would like to remind you all that http://www.uffiles.com hosts all the files that you guys are making and so to make my job a bit easier in getting the files there will you please email me all your files :)


If your file is currently on our site but your name is not listed as the 'uploader' this is because you need to sign up before I can make your name appear. Just email me the name you signed up as and the file that needs to be corrected.


Until our 'upload a file' page is up and running where you can upload files directly to our database, if you want a file added you need to sign up and tell me these details:


Name: (your username you signed up as)

Name of file: (what you want the file to be listed as)

Description: (what the file does)

Type of file: (mod,map,skin etc)

URL: (If any)


You can also send up to 3 screenshots as well as the file itself.




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