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the laser corridors


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hi, another problem. this time i totally know where im going, but its getting there that is the problem. this is a description of where i am, the level i think is someting_reactor:


there are blue lasers everywhere. i have destroyed the three machines using saberthrow, and crawled through the holes they made. i got past that laser, and think another one. there is a dead imperial worker with energy charges next to him. but round the next corner there is a laser going down the corridor, and one going along the next. i used force speed (this is the level in which force speed gets put up to level 3) but i get cut down by the one round the corner when the other one stops. from where that laser goes to, there is a button on a circular wall i tried using force push but i die.


help me out here.


aka. i :jawa in :atat: ayl:deathstar r

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You don't want to run down that corridor, turn around and take a right going down the corridor you just came from. That second laser that fires down the hallway where the button is doesn't shut off if you get near it, at least it didn't for me.

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Thanks to JAFO2RHh ... that saved my life. I think I tried getting past that one beam about 20 times, and kept dying. The 'Perfect Guide' tells you that second beam doesn't hurt you as long as you have Force Speed on - how wrong that is :)


Thanks again...

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