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Stuck right after leaving Lando


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I left Lando viewing his ship from a large window with some kind of control console in front of him..Killled some bad guys here and there and got out..but the platforms dont seem to lead to anywhere..there is a place where I can make a high vertical jump and I reach some buttons (or whatever they are..) yet they dont seem to work (or were not meant to work..One of them is red..) There is also a room with a huge pit in the middle leading to abyss, yet the door behind that room does not lead any where either..Can anyone help?

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From Lando, go back the way you came in. There is a door that opens after you leave to go up the elevator with Lando. Go back to it(Near the t.Det guy that lando goes nuts on). It will open into a big room with a pit. On the other side is a black room. Use light goggles to go through there with some light jumping. Now on the other side, wander around and Lando will ask for help with 2 turrets, take them out and then go back to the other side via the dark room. Now find your way back to the turrets coming from the opposite way. Get on the round platform just under them and jump up to the doorway the turrets are in.....


Take it from there....


May the Force by with you!


BlackWolf IRON

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