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Third level in Jediknight2


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Hey people

I've been playing Jediknight2 for three days now, and for the past three i've been stuck on mission three (Artus Prime). ANyway i've jumped onto that tube that goes into the toxic river, and i've blown up that thing underneath.

Now the problem is i can't gain access to the second part of the mining facility, where those mining carriers go into. i've tried those two doors on that second side but they don't open, even though a have a Level 2 security key. NOw how do i get past that and how do i finish this mission??


Please help!



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I'm going to assume you mean the red room, with the droid that's getting fried everytime the lights come on. You've gone under it and destroyed the heat generators.



Once you do that, ride the thing in the center up and then jump on the next mine cart that comes though.


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