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strategy for dark jedi please


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I've had the same difficulties with the darkies; the key is absorb. The bots are incredibly stupid, they will often just keep pumping you full of lightning, even when you're glowing blue. Lighning and drain also leave them exsposed. Oftem times, I've scored quick kills by just diving in right through the lightning and slashing. The trick is to kill them before they kill you. I've also found that, after using force absorb to break out of a grip, I am ready, where as the darkie takes a moment to recover. Force push can be very effective when darksiders are using their powers; the bots can't switch off lightning fast enough to avoid getting knocked down, I doubt many human players can either.

The light side powers don't leave you open.

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Originally posted by iwanttopostmsgs

for some reason when i fight in MPi win battles with light jedi on jedi master difficulty but when i play dark jedis in initiate difficulty they beat me.:(:lsduel:




I personally favor the dark side, so I will share a few observations. Hope it helps.


1. In duel situations, I prefer the Drain+Grip combo. Drain your opponent right off the bat and then use Grip. With no power, your opponent will not be able to resist Grip.


2. For mass combat, your tactics and use of powers must go hand in hand more so than with duels I think. If you are feeling evil, then use (level 3) Lightning to harry your opponent. When they are weakened, move in for the saber kill. If you want a stand-up fight, then definitely use Dark Rage+Speed. This combo will turn you into a merchant of death in melee. Make sure you stay on top of your opponent and finish them quickly, since after Rage disapates, it leaves you in a weakened state.


3. For either light or dark, make sure you have your Force power keys mapped to maximize efficiency. Being able to rapidly move from one power to another is a tremendous advantage in batttle.

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