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Skinning Help?


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If it is overwritting your default reborn then I am guessing that you are putting this skin in your default reborn directory. Make sure that you have changed the file name of all your edited jpgs and/or tgas. Also make sure that you are editing a new model_default_new_reborn.skin and not the original model_default.skin.


If you are putting the skin into the models/players/reborn directory, I would suggest that you move it into its own directory. You can do this by copying the model.glm, model_default.skin, animsounds.cfg, and sounds.cfg from the original reborn directory into a new player directory along w/ your new textures? (ex. models/players/new_reborn) Then change the paths in the model_default.skin to point to your new directory.


If you want to send me your pk3 at int10h@hotmail.com I can fix it and send it back or tell you what was wrong.

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