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Key bindings


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I started out using the arrow keys, as I do in every other fps, but quickly found that I could not twist my fingers up to do the aerobatic stuff. Once my hand started to ache from stretching my pinky all over, I had to stop and arrange my keys a bit. I came up with a relativly simple scheme that allows me to do anything with just three fingers, and without stretching or crossing. I was wondering what bindings other people were using.


I use light side powers, so of course my force key bindings are set up for such.

The movement keys are w,s,a and d, for forward, back, step left, and step right in that order. The middle finger is used for w and s only. The index finger is for d, and the ring finger for a. I don't use my pinky at all; it's a useless appendage anyhow. Cartoons have already done away with them, why haven't we?

e and q both become jump. This way, if I am running forward while strafing right, I can jump with q. If I am running forward while strafing left, I jump with e. r and tab are both duck. This allows me to roll in any direction without stretching a bit. It also allows me to jump and roll quickly on landing, something I couldn't do using the arrow keys. The force bindings are distributed among the keys below these.

I don't use x, because I can't reach it with my middle finger in the way. Shift is my push, and x and c are both pull. I tend to miss when aiming for x or c, this way I don't have to worry about it, I can hit either. v is heal, b is still bacta (The thumb can easily reach these, the spacebar is unbound so I can mash it down all I want.) f is for force absorb, putting it in an easily toggable position.

Off around these key keys are t; taunt, y; normal chat, caplock; walk toggle, g; engage duel, and h; show scores, and alt; style.

On the mouse, the buttons are attack and attack alt, as one would expect. The inventory items are off somewhere on the numpad, but I rarely play guns and wouldn't remember to use them anyhow.


Heres the stuff from the cfg file if you want to try out my system.



bind TAB "+movedown"

bind - "weapon 0"

bind 0 "weapon 10"

bind 1 "weapon 1"

bind 2 "weapon 2"

bind 3 "weapon 3"

bind 4 "weapon 4"

bind 5 "weapon 5"

bind 6 "weapon 6"

bind 7 "weapon 7"

bind 8 "weapon 8"

bind 9 "weapon 9"

bind a "+moveleft"

bind b "use_bacta"

bind c "force_pull"

bind d "+moveright"

bind e "+moveup"

bind f "force_absorb"

bind g "engage_duel"

bind ALT "saberAttackCycle"

bind n "cg_thirdperson !"

bind q "+moveup"

bind r "+movedown"

bind s "+back"

bind t "+taunt"

bind v "force_heal"

bind w "+forward"

bind x "force_pull"

bind y "messagemode"

bind z "force_throw"

bind ~ "toggleconsole"

bind h "+scores"

bind CTRL "+use"

bind SHIFT "force_throw"

bind KP_HOME "use_field"

bind KP_5 "use_sentry"

bind KP_PGDN "use_seeker"

bind MOUSE1 "+attack"

bind MOUSE2 "+altattack"



The walk binding isn't in here for some reason, buried in the cfg file somewhere.

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