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an Interesting model fluke :D


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So I'm playing Pit and spawing stormies in the hole and choping them up for kicks, and I go to force pull and chuck all their dismembered bodyparts, and this big fat disc goes flying out of there, and lands next to the wall. Turns out I was killing the stormies so fast that all their blasters were taking an identical vector out of their hands, but at different places in the rotation, so they all lined up to make a disc! :D


check it out (click the pics for bigger versions):




So, then I got crazy and made four. You'll notice that Kyle is missing from this picture. That's because my computer was tweaking out so bad he was flashing from all the gun models :D




This one was just for fun, I was spawning reborns to kill, and I started spraying them sporadically about while jumping and BAM! Reborn Tower.





I thought these were funny as heck. Oh, one thing to note, those gun discs are connected, ie you can throw them around and they all stay together. They're locked to each other somehow. Some kind of flaw in the way JK differentiates between the models I guess...



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