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One thing this game needs... (xbox)


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Well Wolf, you're telling us we're waisting our lives? What do you think everyone on this forum does? You think you're not waisting your life by playing a child's little game for hours at a time. All you do around here is tell people things about you playing, what does that say about you? You're not just waisting your life playing the game, you're waisting your life talking about playing the game lol.

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Perhaps I should have phrased that better.


You're not wasting your life by playing video games or by posting on a message board. You waste your life when the only thing you know how to do is complain. Lighten up. If you're gonna be in front of your computer all damn day (like me) then at least take things with a grain of salt, and stop *****ing all the time.

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I talk about things that excite me, and share them with people of a like mind.


I do not complain about the nuainces of something built for my entertainment, if i dont like it, i dont play it, its as simple as that. There is a difference, far be it from you to pick up on that. I have better things to do with my time.




btw veno, your something of a hypocrite.

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Originally posted by venoxile

Well, you could look at it that way if you really would like to, but i like starting fights for my entertainment value, not to actualy expect something to come out of it lmfao. :D have fun


Did your parents beat you as a child or something!?


That's just sad.

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Originally posted by venoxile

Surprisingly not really, i'm just demented.


Fair Enough.


Halo WILL be appearing on the PC. It will be late this year after Billy boy gives his X-Box version a head start.

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X-Box most popular console to date??? Are you kidding me? You're joking, right? Boy you really must have the blinders pulled over your eyes. The most popular console ever must be the original NES or SNES. In the current console wars, PS2 is way ahead of X-Box and GC. GC & X-Box are neck and neck. But I see GC seriously moving ahead of X-Box this year when they break out all their major franchises (Mario, Star Fox, Zelda, and Metroid). Eternal Darkness will also sell systems. Anyways, IMO this game should not be ported to any console.

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I'm not an X-Box fan and my support will always be behind the PC, but good luck to all those devices. As the initial poster put it, not everyone can afford a high spec PC so why not convert successful games over. The beauty of of X-Box is directx, so conversions should be easy.

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Originally posted by FWB

I'm not an X-Box fan and my support will always be behind the PC, but good luck to all those devices. As the initial poster put it, not everyone can afford a high spec PC so why not convert successful games over. The beauty of of X-Box is directx, so conversions should be easy.


Not when the Q3A engine uses OpenGL. :)

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i dont know of any q3 based games (or any decent FPS games to date) that have been on the new generation consoles


Have any of you played Halo or 007 on the X-box. I played it for about 4 hours with my friend. I hated it


Halo controls sucks on X-Box which made it a bad game to play



For these and anyone else who is bashing xBox and especially Halo, I just have you know, that halo was won multiple awards for best game of the year(and I dont mean best console i mean best GAME). Just dont say its a bad game.


However, I do agree that JK2 would not make a good port. It wouldnt suck, but it couldnt live up to the PC version. Halo worked for console because it was made for console. Many precautions were made to make sure it would work out, such as only being able to carry 2 weapons at once. With all the weapons in JK2 plus the force powers PLUS misc features such as the sentry gun and seeker, quick access to all these things would not work on the xBox controler. I am saying this as a fan and owner of an xBox with many hours of play on it. Controls of a keyboard can be set up for easy asccess of AT LEAST 15 different things while barely moving you hand at all.


Well, thats just my two bits.

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Originally posted by venoxile

Of course, I'm just asking Raven for a huge favor, they would never ever make money putting it on |he most popular console to date.. :rolleyess :rolleyess :rolleyess

most popular console? oh you mean the ps2 then. ps2 has out sold the xbox in every country.
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Originally posted by Soul-Burn


Buy X-Boxes!!

you know why? because for each XBox sold, Micro$oft loses money. The price of the product to the company is about 100$ more than what you pay.. they try to get money out of ripping off the game companies to make games for it.


Hell... although making M$ suffer is great, but it still isn't worth the money.

so instead of me not giving them 400 dollars, net loss to them being 400 dollars. i should give them 400 dollars for something i dont want anyways and have them only lose 100 dollars.


yeah thats smart.

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Originally posted by RatChad

Okay that was smart, now everyone on this forum in europe thinks your an idiot


Not that people from your own region don't think so.


X-Box wise... well I've heard plenty of well argued viewpoints that for Microsoft it doesn't really matter. They don't need to sell there. I don't know much about the gaming industry, so I can't comment.


However, in a general sense he is 100% off the mark. I'm a social/economic researcher and if he wants me to write an essay for him on why Europe matters well... I can't be arsed. It makes no difference to me, or the world, whether he thinks that or not. :D


The EU has the largest economy in the world, by the way. Not the US.

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why buy a bloody X box save your money to buy a new PC or get a new graphics card X box is a fad PC games will be around forever you got an X box deal with it you're not getting our game Dark Forces was made for the PC and only for the PC (Except when it came out on crappy PS) I am getting a game cube however for rouge leader to live out my X wing alliance fantasies (I'm going into the death star in my X wing not hijing Lando's ride!!) :D

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you people are being retarded. how old are you.stop freaking bashing.


i own both a high end pc and an xbox. i have and always wil be a pc gamer, but beleive me, if you play for more then an hour on halo, the controlls start to make a lot more sense. in my honest opinion... halo controlls are JUST as good as kb/m once you get used to them. how long did it take you to get used to keyboard fps controls? i remember the first time i played one i was VERY disoriented.


and another thing, my xbox is just as good if not better graphics then my g3. why? BUMP MAPPING.


but back to the topic.. jkII would be HORRIBLE on my xbox, theres just not enough buttons. i agree with all of you that this should never happen, and it belongs on our pcs, but christ you guys quit bashing!



and another thing, saying people dont care about europe is not racist, it might be if you said nobody cared about black people but..... :p

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I don't know if anyone mentioned this, I simply scanned all the posts, but uum 007 for xbox uses the q3 engine If I'm correct, and I believe I am because I'm playing it now and it looks just like the Quake 3 engine. I might add it plays pretty damn good. Now this doesn't mean I would want to see JKO on the XBOX, but the XBOX is by far the greater of all the systems out now. It has the best controller, best graphics, best games. Let the flaming begin.

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