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help! odd problem in duel servers


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when i go into a duel server, either hosted or otherwise, everytime i go into the player screen, i lose, if i go in and chane my skin, im 0/1, if i change my force, 0/2, if i change lightsaber color 0/3, it gets ridiculous. I wouldnt mind if there was a way to reset the scores once everyones "ready" but there isnt. It sucks b/c then the final end game scoresheet is incorrect. I think these changes should take effect when you die and not cause a change in your score. Anyone else having a problem?

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I love it when I am going to be dueling someone who's been winning, so I change my force powers to combat his wussy drain-whoring. Once I do, I sit at the bottom of the list.




I'm sure they have a reason for doing so, but it's not practical in real life where new players (and veterans alike) are constantly tweaking their controls, or loading a different force scheme in order to combat a certain player style.

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