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Multi\single player elements not included in multi\single player that should be

Scarlet Widow

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As most of you know single player and multiplayer have some major differences and some things were just, i think, mistakenly left out. So heres a few things i've noticed and things i'd like to see added:


Multiplayer Elements not included in single player:


-Medium saber style doesn't have the straf+attack saber swing

-Lightsabers emit more light, looking more realistic (i think anyway) the brightness level needs to be the same in both

-Shields are shown when damaged (may be a nice addition to single player)



Single Player Elements not included in multiplayer:


-Can't roll when armed with a gun

-No "offical" dismemberment option

-No first person view for lightsaber

-Eyes don't blink and mouths don't move on characters

-When one leg is off a ledge and the other is on a ledge, the character doesn't situate itself for the position

-Character doesn't do that fancy lightsaber arming/disarming motion

-Best AI i've ever seen isn't included in the bots


Please post here if theres anything else you've noticed and think should change.

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Overall I'm lovin' the game - my singular gripe being that 3rd-person lightsaber view is forced on us in multiplayer. It's just not the way I play. There are tons of other FPS games that have melee weapons, and JK:JO is the only one I know of that forces us into SoulReaver mode for multiplayer... ;) Hello! :) FIRST PERSON SHOOTER, not 3rd-person slasher!:rolleyes:


Hopefull Raven will fix this in one of the official patches, even if they do a quick fix for multiplayer FP-view the way they did with Heretic II... I shouldn't repeat myself too much, so hop over to the

Sticky Patch Thread

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