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NPC's Sabers???


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Does anyone know if it is possible to load another jedi character's saber? I mean the actual model for it... for example, if you look at Desann's saber, its huge and has spikes on the end. Is there a console command to use that weapon? or would you just have to replace the model files...?


while I'm posting... just a cool (and ignored) thought... JKII is not only a game depicting a jedi's combat skills, but also a soldier's. When it comes to level making, level makers should try to make authentic Rebel-Imperial battle levels. I can just picture the sweet levels they'll come out with one of these days. An Episode I total conversion would be so nice... or levels from the original trilogy. Which fight would you want to see most from those??? I'd love to see a recreation of the attack at the Sarlaac pit... imagine the JKII cinematics with the authentic soundtrack music... Luke signals to artoo up on top of Jabba's sail barge... the saber is launched out! The fight begins... there's already a Jedi luke model, lando model, most of Jabba's cronies, so I can't imagine it being to difficult to make. Anyways. Would be cool to see.

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first off hear*forks over lightsaber(re) candy bar gift TM* welcome and enjoy your stay.


as to the lightsabers: you'd think you could be able to do this, but i know no way to do this offhand.(anybody???) perhaps renameing the filename in the pk3's???


as to the level idea:just give it some time, 2 diffrent teams are making co-op mods for jkii ala rtcw mp(yesyesyes!:D ) and the guys are makeing it not all jedi(or however you want to say it)


hope that ansers your questions.

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