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Conversion Challenge


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My suggestion is for people with more editing skills than I, to take up the challenge of converting and cannibalising other 3d Starwars games, such as:


Dark Forces,

Jedi Knight and MoTS,

Jedi Power Battles,

Episode One: Phantom Menace,

Obi Wan (Yes I know it's only for X-Box but that's precisely why it's possible),


Take these and strip, and convert, the models, textures, weapons, objects, and especially the skins, and levels of these games for use in JK Outcast.


Now I know there are people who are already looking at doing this for Jedi Knight, but these other games also provide a valuable source of material that can be plundered.


Just think about some of the ready made skins and levels that people are asking for that can be found in these games. For example Ep1 PM has some huge expansive enviroments that would be great for JK Outcast.


Just give it some thought or a try for those of you with the skills and the desire, for this kind of conversion.


The stuff I've seen put out there already in this short amount of time is great. So I'm sure somebody can figure out how to do this, given a little time.


I hope this message leads to something good, and that this thread, if it goes anywhere, will be kept constructive (Sorry for the bad pun, it's a hobby.)


Anyway I gotta get bacta work :)


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