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Stuck betwen a laser beam and two laser beams...


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Okay, I'm stuck in the Cairn Reactor. I've been through the part where you have to get through those rapid-fire lasers by blowing the purple caps off their generators, and walked through the wall that was blown out. I've gotten past the laser beam on the other side of the wall, gotten past the dead Imperial technician and the two health-packs (didn't need either one :D ) But now, I'm stuck. There's an "L" junction in front of me and I can get through one leg of it easy with Force Speed, but in the second leg... The laser beam activates as soon as I get into the second leg and fries me. I can get maybe half-way through it and then I'm down and... well... dead.


How the heck do I get through this part alive?!

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After you go throught he wall you blow out there should be a really long passage way with a laser firing in it. Wait for the laser to fire, then froce speed down to the T intersection, there is a dead body there. this should be where you are when you got stuck. Now turn around and go back to the intersection with the long hallway that you just came down. Wait for the laser as usual, hit force speed and run to the RIGHT down the hall there should be another intersection down there....



*disclaimer* it's been awhile since I did this level and I could be completely wrong but that's at least how I remember doing it. Hope it helps

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Walkthrough of how I did it:




1. go throught the first set of beams(there should be 2)

2. you come to a T junction, on your right is blocked hallway, the beam shoots through the blocker. there is another hallway going to the right from this passage.

3. use force speed to get to this other hallway

4. stop and wait for you force to regenerate

5. get ready to run

6. wait for a gap in the lasers and then use force speed again

7. run towards the blocker

8. jump up onto the upper right hand side

9. crawl through

10. run to safety(the reactor is right there)

11. turn off the reactor

12. there are different gaps in the laser fire and if you dont go fast enough you will die

13. it shortens this part of the level by uncountable time

14. to get out of "underworld" go back through the tunnels(now safe)

15. go up the shaft you see spuing out steam...

16. then keep going



And it does work , I have done it on every difficulty level of the game(no cheats)

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