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Making Changes to Attributes in Single Player - knowledgable Editors please help out


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Well, changing SP skins, MP skinning, and even changing bot attributes in MP are all fairly simple at this point.


What i'm having a problem with is locating a file that contains Kyle's atributes in Single Player. (Or even in Dev mode).


By attributes i mean all the MP bot attributes, like acceleration, sabercolor (and yes, i'm aware of the sabercolor cmd), reactions, health, vfov, race, torsoPitchrage, etc.


Anyone ventured this far yet? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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While i'm sorta on the subject, i want to mention that i'm almost positive that thre's a block (sabers) command in the game. Well, maybe i'm not that sure, but i see the CPU doing it all the time in SP... the opponent will hold the saber up horizontally and block attacks.


I'm convinced that there's a way to do this in devmode, but i can't seem to figure it out.


Lastly, i was wondering about value limits on cvars, like g_saberAutoBlocking, etc.... i.e. would i be able to set it to, say, 999? I tried it, and it makes no discernible difference... i even tried setting it to 0 with the same effect (none).


Any help on this as well?

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Applying some bumpification to this thread... if only to light a fire under these SDK people. :-P


Seriously, though, have any of you come across anything yet? I've searched all the pk3 files i can open and i see nothing that allows us to make changes to SP Kyle attributes.


Changing the skin is no problem... but in fact i don't even see a file that would even contain kyle's Sp attributes... there's gotta be one. I would love to change his reaction speed and evasion value.




And Raven: hurry up!!! :-)

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