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The Story Line!!


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My god!


The story line in this was so bad compared to dark forces 2! The people (Bosses) that u have to fight in JO are boring, they have no real interesting characters! One of the good points in dark forces 2 was the stoty line.

JO is just a fancy looking game, and i only enjoy playing it to get the star wars feel with the well animated light saber!

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first off the reborn jedis look stuipd, every one I come across I can kill in one blow with the light saber, just use force speed and you hit them everytime, sometimes before you even notice it.


IF i hear do you fear me! one more time I am going to snap.


second the female jedi you come across, she's wearing this mask that looks like she got it at a Mardi Gras in new orleans.


check it out




the games ok but the charactors need some help.


would have been cool to have some clone darth vaders or dark Kyles would have been better. what happen to the jedi outfits, how come the evil jedi's don't wear black cloaks anymore.

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Agreed, the characters sucked and the plot was weak.


Welcome to the world of action games. I think that I can name ONE FPS with a plot and characters that I would truely consider to be "good" and to have "depth". That game will forever live in my head as the coolest FPS ever... and it was mac only :)

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I agree dude.


They must have hired writers from the wwf to come up with the storyline for Jedi outcast.


The characters in this game are very poorly developped for starters. Except for the characters whom we are meant to be familiar with (katarn, ors and the rebellion), the main players in this game aren't given meaningful and fulfilling backgrounds.

Desann for instance; he trained at the jedi academy and turned to the dark side... it sounds a little re-used and too simple.

His power and importance in the story are also diminished by the fact that he wants to turn everybody into dark jedis that have the same power and strength as him. Why would he want to do that? Sure he wants to build a strong army but he becomes just another face in the crowd of dark jedis. Since they all share the same skill and force powers as him, he loses his presence and qualifications as a leader and he becomes just some shmoe who talks big but can't live up to his reputation which he doesn't even have. How did he even come into a position of power over the remnant. Admiral Fyyar (who also has far too little presence in the story to be of much importance) apparently has served since the emperor was in power so he most likely would not just bow down to Desann. Looking at Desanns weak performance in the field (katarn foils all his plans except leading him to the valley of the jedi) sexual favors is the only thing that comes to my mind that could explain desanns quick rise to the top. just joking im sure theres a reason. besides that what the hell is he? is he a breed of trandoshan or sumthin?


Also who is tavion and why is she following Desann around. She is a better fighter than desann and seemed to be far more ambitious- why wasnt she leading? What the hell is with her costume. Why is it skimpy? just a pointer: Dont Make a Hot Chick a Main Villain in a game -unless you plan to be serious about it of course... half the time they aren't given very threatening roles and are usually portrayed as sneaky, unofficially-2nd-in-command-backstabbers. More importantly they dont die storywise... they could shoot your mom and the hero would let them go... just because her pixels resmble a hot chick doesn't mean you have to ruin the momentum of the story- where the hell does she go anyways? Sequel??? You can't just put a character in a sequel just because they weren't given enough closure or you didn't see them die. look at blade 2- we all knew that if there was going to be a sequal whistler would be in it (even though he shot himself in the head in the warehouse which blade returned to at the end....i dont get it)


Also the plot for jedi outcast is just damn horrible. I ask that there be no more "secret plot to create a supersoldier" storylines(Return to castle wolfenstein) Secret plot storylines mean that the writers cant come up with the total picture so they start with the idea and give it an ending and a beginning leaving the middle open so they can scatter hints and clues of what they could or couldn't come up with - the idea is that the story never acctually develops but is given the appearance that it does because the protagonist slowly finds more clues about the big "set-in-stone we-know-is-going-to-happen" picture. example: what do i want with reelo baruk? he's a fat rodian gangster who apparently is more ruthless than the hutts but manages to hide his ???? by pretending he is a garbage man. what is he hiding? if youre allowed to go around shooting people in the middle of his city what does he care about hiding his business proffesion. jabba doesnt care... well he's dead but anyways. you go to nar shaddar accidently meet up with lando to find out what you already knew- its an imperial plot. from there you conveniently go to cloud city where you conveniently meet up with tavion who conveniently tells you jan is still alive. bah boring. I like the location but i hate the view. please comeup with something that makes sense.


Well well well surprise surprise jan is still alive. uhhhh i actually hoped she was dead so it wouldnt be so predictable. we didnt see her die because kyle blinked or something while he was watching but we all assumed she was killed horribly.... man i feel so stupid for falling for that one. you'd probably have to be six or seven to actually believe that kind of storyline now and that isnt sarcasm. and now that kyle and jan are reunited we get to watch romance at its best- it looks like two brick walls are kissing or something but whatever it is it just looks bad. The writers were probably told by the developers to not kill her off because if people didnt like the game or story they could reuse the same starting formula in the next game: kyle and jan workiing as mercenaries bah to that. show some balls guys please. the problem with storylines of most sequels is that they start from the same used material everytime and they try to end the game the same way it began. had they introduced a different element to the game or killed jan off we at least could expect something new and exciting next time. either that or they could start from scratch.


as for the finale i really like the way it was presented with the mind tricks and the like. desanns threatening voice (the voices were really well done in this game) and the music is great. However the last time we heard this music was when luke was confronting the emperor and vader and at that point in the movie there was a sense of conflict and desparation in a fight between good and evil. here in the game i just didnt care about desann. he was really a nobody. he himself wasn't threatening. his shadowtoopers fought just as well as he did. and also any feeling of intensity or climax just wasnt there. why was katarn hunting him down. the main plot of the movie had already been foiled. the dark jedi were destroyed. desann himself was no more powerful than one of his dark jedi so it didnt really matter to me if he lived or died. jan was alive and so there was no revenge. the only thing i can think of as being a reason for placing such importance on desanns defeat would be the fact that desann ridiculed kyle's failure as a jedi which is an element of the story that is hardly ever made present on the game. kyle's inner conflict about becoming a jedi again could have worked but the rest of the storyline just sucked so we couldnt even take this seriously (plus it wasnt presented very well). i just couldn't bring myself to care about beating desann and couldn't find any reason for the amount of apparent intensity and buildup and importance shown in the last level. one way that it could have worked is that katarn would have to fight easily through swarms of desanns jedi showing katarn's power but upon reaching desann you would find out that desann is much more powerful than katarn and maybe then would the buildup be justified but as it stood it sucked.

even the location of the final fight blew. what the hell was the deal with the temple. away from his ship and the remnant he was already defeated. he had nowhere to go and yet they made it seem like he was indestructible. i just didnt get it. if they wanted it to signify his conflict with the force again, because thats where he learned the force, they should just jave had him face himself like luke did in the empire strikes back


also what the hell was desann doing with that laser. im mean certain elements of this game just dont add up.


the story means a big deal to me. playing a game with a bad story is just like watching a movie with a bad story. its boring and i found it hard to want to finish the game- not to mention that i didnt get anything when i beat it.... whats wrong with today's games? where are all the bonus levels and enjoyable secrets? what do i get for my work? anyways besides that maybe not all the story was boring... i kept wondering where it would bring me next but as soon as i got there and realized why i was there i just didnt really care... on the other hand i loved this game. the gameplay and atmosphere were great and so much fun and played true to the starwars universe. the dramatic pauses while fighting other jedis astonished me, being a film major i always wanted to see games do things like this. it gave a true sense of movielike production and appeal. walking in on the jedi in the carbon chamber and him drawing his lightsaber and then me drawing mine and both just waiting for who makes the first move is just breathtaking. can't have asked for more (except storywise)


actually if i could ask for a couple more things it would be more character interaction to make it more of a universe. the bar scene was great a first until i realized i couldn't actually do anything except go to the bartender and start fighting. more use of the bar scum and alien thugs would have been nice maybe some use of bounty hunters. i was hoping for a level on tatooine where you could interact with the people there but i guess ill just wait for star wars galaxies.


other than that i wish the cinematics were presented better. i mean its a star wars game and star wars is filmed in a particular way so they could have made use of that and blah blah blah i wrote too much should be studying for finals.


stoopid stoopid stoopid



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Originally posted by toolboi

Agreed, the characters sucked and the plot was weak.


Welcome to the world of action games. I think that I can name ONE FPS with a plot and characters that I would truely consider to be "good" and to have "depth". That game will forever live in my head as the coolest FPS ever... and it was mac only :)


I can name two.


Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight

Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith

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