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Another question about Carin


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Sneaky part of Carin.. Find Doomgiver, and avoid detection...

Went into the one room with the astromech fixing the alarm, killed the troops in there.. moved onto the next one, activated the platform, sent the troops down the big elevator... but the big room after that.. there's a bunch of officers and troopers standing around displays. I try mind-tricking as many as possible, but as soon as I enter, some officer in a lookout above the room hits the alarm. HOW in the world do I get through this room without detection?


Mucho thanks.

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Don't enter thru the door. Use force jump to get to the ledge above the door and crouch to go thru the opening. To your left is a switch to cut power to the lights. Use force speed then force jump to the other side of the room, hit switch, out door:)

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