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Help with Binding


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Not exactly sure... but the normal way to bind multiple things to one key is <bind # "xxx; xxx; xxx; xxx">


So yours may be <bind # "+forward;+jump>


The only problem you have is when you put multiple commands to one key, when you push that key it reads the commands in the order you wrote and when it gets to the next command, it negates the first. Meaning... if you say +forward;+jump, it will read the +forward and then move to the +jump so you will always be +forward because you haven't stopped it. When you let go of the key - it will stop the jump, not the forward.


Perhaps a work around would be;


<bind # "+forward;+jump;wait 20;-forward;-jump>


But you would only recreate the same jump everytime. You couldn't hold the key down for the length of the jump. Once pressed, it runs by itself!

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