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First Re-skin of Reelo


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I just finished the first reskin of the Reelo model. This skin is really intended only for members of our clan, but you can use it if you want (and I'd be much obligued if anyone with servers would upload it :))


It makes Reelo even gaudier than ever. Purple shirt with golden bands all over the place, a much brighter green head, bright green pants and red boots, as well as our clan acronym engraved in the back...


So as to preserve the original detail of the skin, I used creative layering/hue changing in Photoshop to change the colors but preserve all the cool different shading and such. I did some manual changes, as well. The character select icon is particularly cool :)


Just put the FaRT.pk3 into your [JKO Directory]\GameData\Base. He should appear without trouble, if you create your own server to view him (obviously servers don't have this skin, for now).


If anybody uploads this skin to their server, please tell me the IP address - I'd love to play with my skin in a real game :p


Anyway, without further ado, the Fat Rodian.



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Nah... I play with Reelo all the time, and perhaps I should mention, I win with Reelo all the time...


Never noticed any problem seeing around him. Then again, I rarely play with any other model...


The fun of the Reelo model is that everybody knows you instantly. Almost nobody uses this model, so (if you're doing well), when someone sees you they think "Oh no!! It's that fat Rodian again!!"


heh heh heh... Which is the point of our clan, if anybody's interested...

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im usually that skinny rodian.


coments on the skin: the colours are a bit bright. the purple and gold especially. i would kick down the saturation a bit on both of those, and change the hue to give them a dirtier colour. e.g. push the yellow closer to orange. this is just my opinion of course, but it may fit in better with the atmosphere.


otherwise, looking good.



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Yeah Aero, I've seen you before...along with another of your fart friends on the same server. Two of you at once was just too hilarious...unfortunately I didn't put up a very good fight since I had a very bad ping at the time. :(


But you're only like, the third person I've seen use that model. Bonus points for distinction at least! :p

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