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Implementation of Force


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Yes, it's good, for the most part. The force powers are definitely unbalanced, though.


Lightning is stupid and requires no skill.


Grip requires some skill in some instances, but is erratic and difficult to activate until you get good at it (me!) :)


Push is just plain cheap when used to launch people off the edge. There is almost no adequate defense against it, as it is instantaneous (unlike grip), and it can be used from a considerable distance.


Speed is virtually useless.


Protection and Dark Rage are virtually useless.


Absorb is useful if you are a light-side jedi struggling against grip and lightning, as is heal.


Saber Throw and Force Jump ('invisible' force powers) are very cool.


Mind Trick is incredibly cheap when used in combo with Push/Pull.

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i dont think push/pull are cheap. they can't be used on you unless you have been thrown off balance or you are performing an action. as long as you dont, crouch, jump, attack, use a force power, or anything else that peforms an action (except walking or running) then you cant be harmed. the idea here is to outwit your opponent and fool him into doing one of the above and then attack him. You just have to get good enough to understand when to attack and when to stand your ground or jump, etc.

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I played the orginal JK when it came out. They should revert to the old style force pull. In JK you had to target something by holding down the force pull button a circle would apear around it you then let go of the force pull button and the object flew to you(usefull when you need to grab that health back for a distance) Same thing when trying to pull a weapon away from your enemy a circle woudl appear then the weapon would fly to you. In JK2 i think force pull is a joke. It doesnt disarm your enemies that easy(I'm speaking in term of multiplayer) and Pulling the acutal enemy toward you is just stupid.


Force push, I hate that force power. it was just gay in MOTS and in the Spork Mod for JK. I rather die by a saber then falling of a ledge on the Nar Shadda Streets because some rookie or gay vet is too scared to fight in saber battle.


Saber Thow is a nice addition. It was in MOTS but this version of Saber Throw is better.


Speed isnt that usless it helps you get out of a saber gang bang quickly(though that does lead to Speed using cowards).



Protection has been and always will be a joke of the force powers.


Mind Trick, a cheaper version of Force Persuasion. It may help snipers but other wise a very pointless force power. Countered eaisly with force Seeing.


Seeing-only good to counter Mind Trick.


I havent used any of the Sith force powers(I'm Jedi) but I I believe it's Force Drain that causes the game to slow down serveraly.



I say they should get rid of force Push and replace it with Force Blind. It would give more of a use for Force Seeing(as that would counter it if you had it on before you got blinded)

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