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How do u change colors on the text?


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I had some kid ask me this once in the game and I emailed him later with an explanation.


You can do it manually yourself by opening your jk2mpconfig file and looking for the line <seta name "your name">


Where you have "your name" use the following number guide to change colours in letter(s).


1 - Red

2 - Green

3 - Yellow

4 - Blue

5 - Cyan

6 - Magenta

7 - White


seta name "^1your name"


The first line sets your name. The color for each letter is denoted by a "^" and number. "your name ", is all red letters so you only use a "^1" in front of the first letter.


0 - Black (in order to use black names in JO, you will need to add an additional ^ in front of the letters you want to be black so your name would look like ^^name.


eg "name" would be wrtten as:


seta name "^1n^4a^3me"


This should get you going :D


There is also an app that does this called 'name maker studio' , but it can be a little buggy:




It might not officially support JO yet, but it makes the same line which you can see in a display window that you can copy paste.

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