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Appeal for SP help--PLEASE someone answer?


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Need a bit more help in SP skin replacement please, it's suppoesed to be easy, but I'm having problems as explained below, can someone PLEASE offer some more help!? I don't understand why people who know how won't stop to give assistance to people who are new at this and having troubles?




Originally posted by Darth Valinor

5. Create a new .pk3 file containing the models\player\kyle folder you have been messing with. WinRAR is the best program for this. Make sure the path is kept, so that when you open the .pk3 you made it should have the models\player\kyle path.

6. Name this .pk3 something that does not start with an 'A'. This is because .pk3 files are loaded in alphabetical order, with the latest loaded taking precedence, so if you named it albert.pk3, it would not work because assets0.pk3 would be loaded after it and would overwrite the changes you made.



Enjoy! [/b]





I got WinRAR but I don't really understand how to do steps 5 & 6. I did try to just copy the Jan files into the Kyle folder, and it DID work, BUT, the lightsaber was glued to the front of her head and was not in her hands and did not move. What am I missing? Please help.


Thanks in advance.

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I would appreciate any DETAILED help, Here's what I did:


1, I used WinRAR (Which I'm not terribly familiar with) to extract Kyle and the other model's folders.


2, I replaced Kyle's folder's content with that of the other model.


3, I dropped the new Kyle folder back into assets0.pk3 with WinRAR and let the program rewrite that file.


I then launched the game in SP and got the new model, but had the afore-mentioned problem with the lightsaber stuck in one position. So what did I do wrong? please reply with detailed instructions as I'm new at this and new at using WinRAR.


Thanks in advance.

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The problem with WinRAR is the renaming. If you don't know what you are doing (which I didn't with WinRAR), you could accidentally rename all the pk3's into RARs, which the game will not read.


Winzip is a much cleaner utility to use when editing pk3's as it will remember that you changed the file designation, whereas WinRAR will simply give you a assets0.pk3.rar


It's annoying, and almost unfixable. I am an idiot though when it comes to WinRAR, which is why I uninstalled it.



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